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President Peres Distances Himself from the Chareidi Draft Issue

President Shimon Peres will not become involved in finding a solution surrounding the share the burden issue. Director-General of the President’s Residence Esther Duvdevani announced that the president has decided that with the matter on the prime minister’s desk at present, he does not feel that it is proper for him to become involved in the issue. Mr. Peres has just given the mandate to form the new coalition to the prime minister and the president does not wish to become entangled in ‘the’ major issue that faces this effort.

Last week, when Shas faction members met with President Peres, they suggested that he give the presidential mandate to form a government to Likud/Beitenu. Mr. Peres was given a letter, a personal request from Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita asking him to intercede towards finding a solution. At the time Mr. Peres signaled he would do what he could but now feels he cannot become involved, at least for the time being as efforts are underway to form a coalition government.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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