Big Money for Pro-Stav Chief Rabbinate Ad Campaign

Rabbi David Stav, a candidate to become the next Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel has already expressed his displeasure with the content of some of the ads appearing in support of his candidacy.

Nevertheless, an organization calling itself “The Chiloni Headquarters to Bring Us Together” (קירוב לבבות) continues paying for full page ads in the nation’s major newspapers. In today’s Maariv, the ad says “The election for the Chief Rabbinate is no less significant than for Knesset”, with a large photo of Rabbi Stav.

The ad continues to explain “the election is held once in ten years and the results are no less significant regarding its impact on our lives. The Litvish chareidi minority took control of the Rabbinate and succeeded in acting in a disgusting fashion, imposing itself upon the chiloni majority.”

“Rabbi Stav, who heads the Tzohar Rabbonim, has proven there is another way. The time has come that a Zionist rav, a former IDF soldier, who children serve in the IDF to lead to a new Chief Rabbinate.”

“The Rabbinate should bring hearts closer and not promote hate.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Stav’s surname makes him the perfect rav mi-taam for the medine. The secular state is now in its autumn, where it shows beautifully colored leaves that are actually in their death throes.

    The last truly RZ rav ha-rashi was one of the most divisive figures in the history of the medine.

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