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Israel to Channel Hundreds of Millions NIS to the PA

Acting to mounting American and European Union pressure, Israel is going to transfer hundreds of millions NIS to the PA (Palestinian Authority). The tax revenue funds were held up after PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) defied Israel and applied for UN General Assembly observer nation status.

The unilateral PA move also led to Israel’s declaration to move ahead with construction plans for the E1 area between Jerusalem and Maale Adumim.

PA officials insist the tax revenue funds are the PA’s and Israel’s unacceptable actions have placed a stranglehold on the PA, with Abu Mazen taking his case to the international community to apply pressure on Israel, which seems to have worked.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. 1. It’s their money. The Israeli signed an agreement.

    2. It is in Israel’s interest to be in charge of collecting most of the Palestinian’s tax revenue. What country wouldn’t want to its worst enemies tax collector.

    3. Part of the deal was that the Israelis control what the Palestinians import. They can collect tariffs on the legal stuff, and stop the import of things that go “boom.”

  2. Yes, it’s their money. Now The Israel Electric Authority can stop supplying electric to the PA areas until their bills are paid up in full! That is what this money was earmarked for.

  3. Akuperma: re your point 1., didn’t the PA sign an agreement not to: a) make any unilateral declaration of a State and B) stop shooting rockets?

    If they can’t or won’t do both, or either, then they in fact don’t represent the so called palistinian people, and the money should be held for those that do.
    Unless they are Hamas, in which case, the money should go to victims of palistinian “resistance”.

  4. What’s load of rubbish! before elections so much strong action was said to bye taken because abumazen went to the UN, can’t believe anything that Bibi or what Mr Lieberman has to say anymore!!!! Shame on them! Electric company now does not yet paid again! What about the poor Israelis who are forced to pay their electricity bills!? What about them Bibi? Do they also not have to pay? Schendlech!! Schendlech!! Scendlech!

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