Shas Seeking a Deal with Yesh Atid

Shas officials have contacted Yesh Atid with a message that they wish to meet towards reaching agreement on key issues. This is part of Shas’ ongoing efforts to secure a spot in the new coalition.

Yahadut Hatorah’s Rav Yaakov Litzman has already announced the party “can live with” the Ya’alon plan for drafting chareidim, which has set a goal of 6,000 by 2013, but more importantly, the plan does not set a ceiling of how many talmidim will be permitted to receive a yeshiva draft deferment. Lapid’s plan on the other hand sets a maximum number of 400 annually.

Both parties, Shas and Yahadut Hatorah have agreed in principle that one will not enter the coalition without the other, but it has already become clear that realities surrounding the share the burden issue may result in a different reality.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. So an Israel under Lapids plan will be just like the cantonists in Czarist Russia. There will be quotas of Yeshiva bochurim to be handed over & those with “protectzia” will get the exemption. And to think that Yahadut Hatorah & Shas would go along with this??? Absolutely mindboggling.

  2. We all knew this will happen, before the elections, when they need our votes, they’re crying and screaming they’ll fight against drafting Bocihrim all the way But now since they didn’t need us they dropped us and start making deals on the Cheshbon of Torah Hashem Yerachim
    They’re doing the same before every elections and we still go after them Ktzon Ltavach What a shame

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