The Belzer Rebbe to Chareidi MKs: You’re Our Shluchim

In a rare move, the Belzer Rebbe Shlita released a letter directed at chareidi MKs which was published in the chassidus’ HaMachane HaChareidi affiliated newspaper. The letter is entitled “You are our shluchim”, and while it is attributed to the rebbe, it is signed “one of the rabbonim”. Kikar Shabbat reports with certainty that the rebbe’s words are reflected in the letter which he had written, explaining this has been confirmed with persons in the chassidus.

The letter begins by thanking the MKs for their shlichus in the past, for all that was done for the chareidi tzibur, then moving on to the future. “Stand at the side of all chareidi mosdos to assist, all the kehillos, all the yeshivos, all the kollelim, schools for girls, Beis Yaakovs and etc. Step forward to assist all those in need, with all your might and talents. The nation’s needs are in your hands.”

The rebbe continues by pointing out the requirement to protest when one sees an aveira committed, whether publically or privately, and they are to do so regarding aveiros of the local and national governments, whether it is chilul Shabbos or tznius, or chilul kashrus. Even if the shouts of disapproval do not help chas v’sholom, they must be heard.

Thirdly, the rebbe instructs MKs to maintain their connection with the tzibur, the kehillas kodesh throughout the year. Visit with Gedolei Torah, rabbonim, admorim and roshei yeshivos. Tell of your activities to make the tzibur aware, give an accounting and may you be blessed and strengthened. Don’t wait until the end of your term to seek approval. It is important for the heads of the tzibur to be aware of your activities throughout your term in office. It is equally important for you to maintain an open ear to the needs of the tzibur, as much as possible towards making tikkunim when possible.

The letter concludes with the bracha,

: “יהי רצון שתזכו להצלחה בשליחותכם ויהי ה’ עמכם, להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה מתוך בריאות ומרוב כל. אמן”.

It should be pointed out that confirmation of the letter being the word of the rebbe seems to be from prominent yet unofficial Belze sources. They reportedly explain the letter is published anonymously since some of the message that the rebbe wanted delivered is best accomplished in this fashion.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. These types of anonymous, unofficial letters supposedly from rabbonim of various chassidus that are not signed and attributed to his gabboim etc. are becoming too frequent and somewhat of a joke. If a rav wants his views to be public, he should simply come out and say what he wants to say publicly and not say what he doesn’t want public. There have been too many episodes where these types of letters are used as part of scams where all sorts of stuff gets attributed to some rav who never said or wrote what was attributed to him. If Belzer rebbe, shlita, actually wrote this letter, he should acknowledge and not engage in these childish games.

  2. “The rebbe continues by pointing out the requirement to protest when one sees an aveira committed, whether publically or privately, and they are to do so regarding aveiros of the local and national governments, whether it is chilul Shabbos or tznius, or chilul kashrus. Even if the shouts of disapproval do not help chas v’sholom, they must be heard.”

    Does the chiyuv to protest also include being mocheh when members of the Chareidi tzibur do the wrong thing? Must one protest when stones are thrown, fires are lit and people are spat at in the name of kanoyus and frumkeit or is the chiyuv to protest limited to the transgressions of the medinah?

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