Israeli Offensive Against Syria Increasingly Likely

As it becomes increasingly likely that the Syrian regime is falling, the Israeli intelligence community grows increasingly concerned regarding the giant weapons arsenal. In the face of Iranian threats against an attack against Syria and the realization such a move could ignite the northern border, Israeli commanders and politicians are aware that Israel may be compelled to intercede if there is a signal that weapons, including non-conventional weaponry, may fall into dangerous hands. The analysts in Israel point out that in the wake of a threat that the weapons will reach terror organizations, Israel will not have any options other than to act to intercept such an occurrence.

Israeli media reports that such an event is becoming increasingly likely as the situation in Syria continues to destabilize.

The USA has also taken steps and months ago it deployed six of its state-of-the-art F-22 Raptors in the Al-Dhafra Airbase, located 150 kilometers (90 miles) from Iranian territory. Iran has warned the United States that any military action against Syria will be viewed as a military assault on Tehran. Iranian officials have echoed that warning numerous times in recent days as events in Syria escalate.

In a more immediate sign of possible concern in Israel, an Iron Dome battery has been placed in the northern port city of Haifa, a clear sign connecting concerns to the mounting civil war over Israel’s northern border. An IDF official commenting on the Iron Dome deployment on Sunday, 16 Shevat 5773 insisted the move was “routine”, unwilling to confirm speculation that the move is connected to growing concerns over the border.

United Nations officials place the death toll in the ongoing civil war in Syria at 60,000.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. וַיֹּאמֶר ה’ אֵלָי: מִצָּפוֹן תִּפָּתַח הָרָעָה עַל כָּל יֹשְׁבֵי הָאָרֶץ (ירמיה א’ 14)

    המשמעות בהקשר המקראי: הסכנה והפורענות יגיעו מהצפון, מהמקום המיועד לפורענויות.
    ירמיה פרק א’ הוא פרק ההקדשה לנביא של הנביא ירמיהו. ה’ מגדיר לו את תפקידו, ונותן לו אותות שנועדו לעודדו ולחזקו לקבל על עצמו את התפקיד.

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