NYPD Commissioner: Handguns The Main Problem On NYC Streets

New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly says handguns are the main problem on New York City streets when it comes to gun violence.

In an interview Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Kelly said he supported an assault weapon ban, but that in New York City, “the problem is the handgun.”

He said 60 percent of murders in the city are done by handguns.

Kelly was in support of universal background checks. He said about 6 million weapons were sold last year without one.

Kelly also spoke about technology the NYPD is looking into that wouldbe able to read a certain kind of energy emitted by people to detect the presence of a weapon.

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One Response

  1. Gun control advocates are not only out to ban assault weapons. As you can see above, they are out to launch an assault on the Second Amendment. Handguns are not the problem. Criminals are the problem.

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