Chareidim Preparing for Coalition Talks

Members of the Degel Hatorah faction of Yahadut Hatorah have been visiting Gedolei Yisrael Shlita in preparation for upcoming coalition negotiations. A first faction meeting scheduled for Sunday afternoon 16 Shevat 5773 was pushed off due to the levaya of the director of the Vaad Yeshivos, Rav Asher Tannenbaum ZT”L, who also served as the chief rabbi of Givat Shaul.

The Agudas Yisrael faction also planned to meet Sunday, but was also compelled to delay the meeting due to the levaya.

The factions will consult with their gedolim and decide on the negotiating red lines, and they will then meet and agree on a combined set of protocol for the negotiating talks.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. They have very little to offer, and will be able to demand little. There is no support outside the two frum parties for allowing young men to learn Torah rather than play soldier, and Netanyahu can easily form a government with like-minded groups consisting largely former Likudniks.

  2. The sun has set and the time is now for the Charedi parties under the G’dolim to decide what are the authentic red lines. They should demand IDF units and procedures that follow halacha L’maasa..(no women lecturers, kashrus, time for tefillah, no kol isha, etc.).
    There are bnei torah that are ready for induction yet need the proper environment set into place. A mandatory draft with incentives & benefits should be suggested. Funding and grants will be changed according to the ‘share the burden’ mantra. Time is now to install a HASBARA program of proper publicity to awaken the Israeli public to what the religious sector does contribute and how.

  3. We are all aware of the “spiritual shield” of prayer and learning, but that cuts no ice with secular Israelis.

    I am not trying to taunt you, zionflag, but perhaps you would come back and tell us all what the religious sector does contribute and how, please?

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