Porush: Yahadut Hatorah & Shas Offer Stability

Speaking to Kikar Shabbat on motzei Shabbos 15 Shevat 5773, Rav Meir Porush explains the achdus that exists, the achdus that resulted in Yahadut Hatorah earning a seventh seat. Porush acknowledges that while in the past there were problems, the issue surrounding efforts to close yeshivos and compel Bnei Torah to serve in the IDF served as a wakeup call for all, citing “Gur, Belz and Vishnitz delivered the maximum” and the results are obvious.

Porush is confident that his party and Shas remain united and that being the case, with the combined 18 seats, he feels Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu would prefer the stability they offer, but made it clear, the issue of drafting talmidim and closing yeshivos is a non-starter.

Porush feels that those who are not interested in learning, they can do as they wish but the chareidi parties are here to make certain that any Bnei Torah wishing to learn must be given a draft deferment.

Porush hopes the prime minister will reach an acceptable formula by which Yahadut Hatorah and Shas can enter the coalition, stating if he takes the chareidim first he can then bring Yair Lapid and his 19 seats on board, and then, “it will be less costly to bring Labor and The Movement on board.”

Porush does not detail how he plans to persuade the prime minister to abandon the ‘share the burden’ issue but he does seem confident that the chareidi parties will be in the coalition.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. And what will his party offer the Working Charedim and non-learning Charedim? Will and can he improve conditions in IDF for Charedi induction? offer job training and degree programs?

  2. “Porush feels that those who are not interested in learning, they can do as they wish but the chareidi parties are here to make certain that any Bnei Torah wishing to learn must be given a draft deferment.”

    This was the problem before the election. There is a feeling (I’m not there so I don’t know if it’s true) that the party does not care about working b’nei Torah. The above paragraph implies that they didn’t learn the lesson. Since it is not a direct quote, it’s difficult to determine Rabbi Porush’s intent.

  3. The most cogent observation was the comment of one bewildered yid in EY who was quoted as follows:

    “Rav Yosef,shlita, promises Gehinom for those not voting shas, Rav Shteinman,Shlita promises Gehinom for those not voting Gimel and the Satmar Rebbe,Shlita, promises Gehinom for those voting for ANY party. Clearly there is nothing to lose, since I’m apparently going there anyway not matter what I do”.

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