Askanim to Meet Over Charish Concerns

After the Tender Committee disqualified the chareidi non-profits’ bit for Charish homes, community leaders and askanim will be meeting today, Sunday, 16 Shevat 5773 to discuss a next move, realizing the committee’s decision impacts thousands of families.

Organizers hope they will be able to find a way to permit the thousands of families counting on Charish to file for a government subsidized apartment at a reduced rate despite the committee decision. Simultaneously, leading legal experts are being consulted seeking to dissect the committee ruling, seeking a legal avenue that can be relied upon to move ahead with securing homes for the Bnei Torah tzibur.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Chutzpah. Given the way things are going, don’t be surprised to see the government replacing subsidies with special taxes on Hareidi housing. Expect any subsidies to be limited to those who served in the army. Drop the naive belief the plan fell apart for some legalistic reason! The powers that be are making it clear they don’t want better housing for non-zionist (meaning, non-veteran) hareidim.

  2. Sharing the burden is shmad by the back door, this is shmad by the front door. So they intend r”l. But demography will have its way and soon they’ll need proof of shmiras mitzvos to get an apartment.

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