Spring Valley: Councilman Friedman Announces Run For Mayor

Ramapo Councilman Daniel Friedman, a Spring Valley resident for 13 years, has announced his candidacy to be the next Mayor of the Village of Spring Valley. Friedman announced his candidacy on social media, highlighting his belief that government needs to promote new ideas, technology, and innovation to solve its challenges. In Ramapo, Friedman’s leadership in utilizing new technologies has resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings to Ramapo taxpayers.

“I am running for Mayor because Spring Valley is broken – and I will utilize my knowledge and experience in government to fix it,” said Friedman. “By replicating the successes I have had in Ramapo through cutting costs and increasing revenues by using new technology, instituting efficiencies, promoting consolidation, and strengthening our partnership with Governor Cuomo and leaders in Albany, we can restore fiscal sanity and put an end to the reckless policies of Mayor Jasmin and the Village Board.”

Councilman Daniel Friedman reduced the Town of Ramapo’s energy expenditures by over 30% – saving over $600,000 to date – by renegotiating contracts, passing legislation, bringing in new technology, and working to bring thousands of dollars in state aid to offset energy expenses.

Friedman also proposed a groundbreaking government consolidation proposal for Spring Valley, which will eliminate three special governments and consolidate them into one. The consolidation program would reduce fire taxes for Spring Valley area residents by 28% – 73%. The plan has won widespread support, including from public safety officials, and Governor Andrew Cuomo, who personally endorsed the proposal and awarded Ramapo a $50,000 grant to complete it. Despite the plan’s near-universal support and its benefits for taxpayers, Mayor Noramie Jasmin continues to stand alone in opposing the plan. As Mayor, Friedman will ensure that this consolidation will finally become a reality in Spring Valley.

“In this election, the distinction between myself and the Mayor cannot be clearer,” said Friedman. “I voted against tax increases in Ramapo and reduced expenses and taxes, while the Mayor has voted to increase taxes in Spring Valley by 94% since taking office a decade ago. I voluntarily took a pay cut in my position as Councilman because of the difficult times we are in, and the Mayor has given herself $10,000 pay increases and bought herself a luxury SUV, all at taxpayer’s expense. Taxpayers can no longer afford to fund the luxurious lifestyle of the Mayor, and it is time for a drastic change.”

Friedman said the issue of fiscal priorities is a focal point of the campaign. He pointed out that the Mayor has taken actions like eliminating the animal control position in the village, and stopped making its required payments to the Hi-Tor Animal Shelter, among other disastrous financial decisions.

“Mayor Jasmin has said time and again there is no money in the budget for the village to meet its legally required obligations, but she found more money for pay raises to herself and the board than the cost of entire programs that she eliminated,” Friedman stated. “Just last month, the Mayor wasted $100,000 on a mobile stage that the village will use three times a year, and spent tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars on a glossy colorful four-page political mailing. This Mayor has proven time and again that she cannot be trusted with public funds. That is why her Village Hall is under investigation, and that’s why voters are ready to elect a new Mayor who will right this crippled ship of state.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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