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19th Knesset – A Record Breaker in Many Areas

There are a number of records being set by the incoming 19th Knesset, including the number of women parliamentarians, the average age, the number of retired IDF major-generals and a bit more. Let’s take a look:

· 48 of the 120 MKs are rookies, serving a 1st term in Knesset, representing 40% in 120-seat Knesset.

· 27 women MKs (22.5%)

· 39 frum MKs (19 chareidi/20 dati leumi) (39%)

· 11 settlers (living over the Green Line) (9.1%)

· 14 [former] journalists (11.6%)

· 6 retired IDF major-generals (4.1%) (including two former chiefs of staff)

· Young – The age of the youngest MK is 27-years-old.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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