More From Rabbi Shai Piron Of Yesh Atid

Rabbi Shai Piron, number two on the Yesh Atid list spoke with Israel Radio’s Reshet Bet on Thursday 13 Shevat 5773. Rabbi Piron spoke of the need to remain focused, explaining “we must put the issues ahead of our own aspirations… yes we are human and each of us has dreams, but if we put this ahead of the mission, we cannot remain true to our voters.”

He added that if the new administration expects to signal real change and earn the trust of voters, it absolutely most revert back to the smaller cabinet of yesteryear, limiting itself to no more than 18 cabinet posts.

Rabbi Piron refused to entertain questions directed at ministerial portfolios, but preferred to address the issues. He cited the share the burden issue is a top priority, explaining two of the party’s 19 seats came from the IDF “so we must remain loyal to these soldiers. We dare not turn our backs on them, those who elected us, for if we do we will disappear as quickly as we rose to power.”

Piron stated the coalition talks must be honest and straightforward, “without the political spin and without saying one thing while meaning another.”

Rabbi Piron stressed the need for “transparency and trustworthiness” and the infrangible requirement of elected officials to never lose sight of this. “There is a word in Hebrew that says it best, shaliach tzibur, and if we remember this, we will remain shluchim of those who elected us” he concluded.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. “rabbi” piron announced live and publicly in an interview with motty lavi on the radio this week that learning tora or science are the same thing and are equally as important, afrl”p.

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