Israel: Meis Mitzvah Hours Before Shabbos Kodesh

On last Friday, 7 Shevat 5773, just hours before Shabbos, an urgent call was received by the Zaka 1220 emergency dispatcher. On the line was a resident of Eilat, who explained his father was niftar and it is important to the family that the kvura take place before Shabbos, in Yerushalayim.

The anxious person on the phone explained everyone knows how Zaka works wonders to expedite kvura when necessary, so he decided to turn to the chessed organization as well.

Zaka Operations Chief Chaim Weinberger phoned Shloimi Grossberger, a Zaka volunteer with a helicopter license. Once it was determined that Shloimi was available, the plan began falling into place and with considerable mesirus nefesh and a great deal of Siyata Dishmaya, the niftar was flown to Yerushalayim and the kvura took place before Shabbos.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. This great news except the people that need to hear this is the RESIDENTS OF ERETZ YISROEL.
    Hasbura or better known as PR is so badly handled in Israel whether it is the government or Charedi kehillos. Get out there and let the world know what, who and where the Charedi community is involved with and how Yiddishkeit is taken care of with devotion, love and with a smile!!

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