Gafne: I Agree Regarding the ‘Sharing the Burden’ Issue

Speaking with Israel Radio on Wednesday night 12 Shevat 5773, Yahadut Hatorah MK R’ Moshe Gafne expressed his delight over the election outcome, thanking voters and campaign workers alike.


Will you be in the new coalition or remain in opposition?


Our goal has never been to enter a coalition. At times we have been part of the coalition like in the outgoing Knesset, and in other situations we remained in opposition. We have a Derech, a clear cut path, and if we are able to live with others without compromising out beliefs, then that too is fine.


What about sharing the burden?


If I understand the Hebrew correctly, a person must serve in the military and learn Torah. If and when the seculars begin learning Torah, then we will serve in the military. For the time being, we are shouldering this burden alone for you must understand the Jewish People cannot exist without limud Torah. As such, for as long as the non-frum population ignores its responsibility, we will continue doing so on behalf of everyone.

This is the way it has been throughout our history. We cannot simply change this as a result of a few cute slogan, which I do understand attract the public, but nonetheless, this is not a reason to change that which must be.

Such actions cannot be compelled upon others.


But we hear the prime minister wishes to bring Yair Lapid into his coalition.


I hear this too. The prime minister spoke with me last night. Understand please, we are not compelling anyone to do anything. We have issues that are important to us. I have told him this many times.

I am not saying Yair Lapid is pasul. I don’t even know him. If the prime minister brings him into the coalition and then asks us to join as well, we will have to hear what Lapid has to say and then we can begin to decide if this can work.

The process works as follows. After we have the facts before us we will bring them to Gedolei Yisrael, make our recommendations, and act in line with their decision.

I don’t understand why we must constantly speak about the sharing the burden, as if it is ‘the’ main issue facing us today.


It is one of the main issues.


Okay, it is among the major issues. I am the chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee. I have a profound understanding of where the problems lie. There is a national deficit. There are issues with the defense budget. Please, I cannot be won over with slogans. I know exactly what the issues are.


So if the sharing the burden issue is pushed you will not be in the new coalition?


Please understand. We are not rookies. We have been in Knesset since the founding of the state. We are well aware of the issues and how the game is played. As I said, at times we are in the coalition, but not always.

We represent a large sector, together with Shas and I believe even among some of the supports of Naftali Bennett. There are lomdei Torah in his camp as well. Remember, they need to build a broader based coalition for a coalition with a narrow majority will not last.

If we can enter the coalition and live with the guidelines, that is fine but if not, then we will be in the opposition.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. What planet does Gafne live on..

    My grandson and nephews learn full time and served in the IDF including doing millium and being called up during our last war..

    What does he think Hesdar and Nachel Haredi are..gan?

    The chiloni do not understand the importance of learning Torah..They have not been fortunate to learn their heritage..Haredim must set the example….

    My grandson told me that in his unit when there were shuirim [which were very often] many chiloni chayalim would come and listen and sometimes ask questions…This is a Kiddish Hashem..


  2. Thank you for talking straight and to the point.

    Now do we consider the secular olem who are studying Tanach, Torah prose, etc….a segment that is sharing the burden.

  3. to me, Gafnes arguments make no sense.
    If all jews were frum (our goal) then how indeed would our country be run if nobody wanted to defend it and so few people worked.
    It does make sense to have a select few learners, but not the whole community.
    Cmon, lets face facts. we cannot be a people that are dependent on hand outs to live.
    Lets combine learning with working and in a generation things will be looking way better for our community

  4. 1. So what that his party gained seats – they aren’t needed for a coalition, meaning theywon’t be able to get concessions in return for joining a coalition (or rather, they will be bidding against Lapid, who wantss very little other than policies Likud is inclined to support).

    2. As most Israelis understand, “sharing the burden” means all men serve three years in the army. Especially if it involved a longer period of service, they might allow hareidi hesder yeshivos. His party has to decide whether to go the anti-zionist route lead by Eidas hareidos and be prepared for serious persecution, or go the pro-zionist route and deal with conditions of service for hareidi boys (and BTW, the law makes no gender distinctions so that means conscription of girls is next).

  5. Ehr darf gedenken ahz der vus hut the meiah hut der deiah. Der meiah vos ehr hut is der votes. Oib men vet nisht zein in der coalition hut mer nisht kain deiah.

  6. As one on the scene in Israel often, ‘sharing the burden’ does not mean or equal a THREE year Army stay. There are many ways to interpet that mission, with compromise needed on both sides of the coin.

    A Charedi writer for Kikar Shabbat wrote an enlighted article about the Charedei Yeshiva velt and Israel society in general. He addressed some real questions (quite shocked it was included in the paper)….can we, the Charedi Olem really share the burden? Have we ever increased our limudim or added L’zechus the soldiers when learning? Have we ever cancelled a Bein Hazemanin for war or military purposes? Have we ever spoken in schmoozim about the Military mesirus nefesh?

    It brings to mind, if you want the PA to seek peace it has to start in the education system and media if there is a desire to ‘share a burden’ even emotionally or mentally it has to start in chinuch, shmoozim, writings, etc or else we (according to author) are only Takers & parisites.

  7. well said zionflag! we do need to step up to the plate and share the burden in an emotional way too. by the way, the share the burden concept is not just about the army – there’s also a choice of community service in a chesed program like in a hospital, a group home for mentally challenged kids, a program for teens at risk, or other options. Finally, and most importantly, there are MANY “seculars” who learn Torah – we don’t have the entire market share on learning. Also, there is a huge number of religious Jews learning and fighting or serving in a community service program. the problem is that people like Gafne don’t recognize anyone else’s Torah learning as valid unless it meets his personal standards. that’s elitist and obnoxious.

  8. Ummm, are you guys aware that Bibi Netanyahu has a Chavruta on Tanach? And he’s not the 1st prime minister to do so. Also, I’ve met a lot of mesorati that learn a lot of Torah and also share the burden. .

  9. As an Israeli, people should be aware that the left – despite having the popular vote, cannot build a government. Many of the people from Lapid’s camp are unknowns, never held any public office, maybe not even a job. The PM cannot rely on them; they will bolt at the slightest reason. So the religious parties are neccessary for creating a government. How much leverage this will give them remains to be seen…

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