A Declaration of Commitment to Halacha from Bayit HaYehudi

The following declaration was circulated by email in an effort to “set the record straight” regarding Bayit HaYehudi’s commitment to operating within the confines of Halacha.

Party officials feel there is a strong undercurrent of those fearing the party’s success to spread rumors and untruths, and therefore, they feel compelled to release an official policy statement.

“Bayit HaYehudi remains committed to honoring the kovod of Gedolei Torah and it is committed to marriage and giyur within the framework of Halacha as well as working towards bringing Jews closer together.”

Rabbi Eliyahu Ben-Dahan, HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu’s ZT”L bureau chief is number five on the party list. He adds “We are working to connect to the chareidi tzibur too, for we are familiar with the value of limud Torah and will not do anything to compromise this. In regard to giyur, we never spoke of any conversions that are not in line with Halacha. Never! It is most unfortunate that in an election campaign things are said which are simply not true to put it mildly.”

“We operate within Halacha and a statement made by a party member regarding marriage to a non-Jew represented her private opinion and not party policy.”

“The chareidi tzibur is a quality community and there is often those who enjoy hating that tzibur but I feel a closeness to this tzibur. I will work hand-in-hand with this tzibur as I did when I was in charge of the Chief Rabbinate batei din. As one who ran Rav Mordechai’s affairs for 21 years and then oversaw the operations of the Chief Rabbinate’s court system, I am calling on traditional Sephardim to come and join us along with the tens of thousands of [supporters in] the general public.”

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. As far as I know permitting public transport on shabbos isn’t within the framework of halacha!!
    http://www.kipa.co.il/now/The_Jewish_Home/48717.html Or maybe for ‘chilonim’ its different and they don’t have to keep shabbos… and it’s even a ‘chilul Hashem’ to force them to keep shabbos! It’s a shame some people are so naive! And what is a party ‘commited to halacha’ doing with a totally secular candidate that promotes intermarriage and assimilation??? http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/article.php?p=153089

  2. 1. The statement said by a party member actually referred to civil marriages being something “Bayit Yehudi would work towards” with Leiberman.

    2. Bayit Yehudi are committed to changing the Rabbinate and making it more dati leumi.

    3. Gedolei Yisrael have been very clear that one should vote either Gimmel or Shas.

  3. Bayit Yehudi are committed to changing the Rabbinate and making it more dati leumi. — Can’t see how that changes halacha, individuals like Rav Herzog, Rav Avraham Shapiro zt”l were dati leumi in hashkafa and Talmidei Chachamin par excellence. What is wrong with a Chief Rabbi who is also connected to the Dati Leumi kehilla? Seems like a plus for many.

    The only negative may be,, LESS JOBS & PARNASSA for only Charedei Rabbonim, Mashgichim and teachers.

  4. I used to vote for gimmel, but after listening yesterday to the speach from Satmar Rebbe in kikar hashabos I decided that uvachartu bachaim, and I will not vote this time. The speech had an effect on me I cannot see myself going to vote.

  5. #4
    Sorry to say, but as of now what you wrote sounds very foolish.

    If you were from Satmar Yeshiva it’s one thing, but how exactly are you turned on by a mob with giant signs declaring that only their Rebbis are Gedolei Hador, and that people like Rav Elyashiv, Gerrer Rebbe, Rav Aharon Kotler… are all כרעו לבעל, טמאים etc.?! Don’t you think the way of the Torah is to desagree respectfully?

  6. #4
    Oh and don’t forget the garbage burning after the dramatic event… and in the US voting for the highest bidder, etc.

    These people DO NOT represent the way of the Torah. It’s very clear to me.

    Moderators Note: With all due respect, just to set the record straight, the garbage was set ablaze by AMERICAN YESHIVA BOCHRIM, as well as local kids with nothing to do, and of course a nice group of Shas supporters. See the photos, and YWN has eyewitness reports.

  7. No one can convince you otherwise if you are one of those people who believe that you must vote for the party that one of the gedolei HaTorah suggested. However, there are many of us – chareidi and other frum people included – that humbly disagree. The gedolei HaTorah make their suggestions based on their understanding of the current situation. As others have already pointed out, the gedolim get their information from biased sources who have an invested interest. The gedolim are not neveim who can guess all of what’s going on (although I know many people out there do think they are neveim).

    In any event, Bayit Hayehudi is a very good party that follows Halacha based on very reliable opinions (are you aware that there are other opinions other than your own?). Just a note – the issue of chilonim keeping Shabbos or traveling on Shabbos can’t be forced on them by you, the gedolei HaTorah or anyone else.

    You wanna help someone become more religious and stop traveling on Shabbos? Try starting by acting civilly to them, be encouraging and stop being a bunch of thugs who force it on them. I see many of you trumpet how wrong it is for the Jewish people to have created a government in Israel and then turn right around and demand that the government coerce people to keep Halacha. By the way, as a reminder – we still dont have the sanhedrin so you don’t get to force people to keep shabbos. Be a mensch & that will help someone much more than demanding their tax money for your institution.

  8. They support Arab autonomy and more lenient conversions. They support zionist education as opposed to charedi education. All of those are from their own ads, spoken by Bennett himself. They support public transportation on Shabbos and at least one of their senior members clearly supports civil marriage. Their #14, Jeremy Gimpel, openly calls the medina “reishis tzmichas geualseinu,” rachmona litzlan vchas vsholom. As is well known, this last statement is particularly awful because this false hashkofa is a corruption of Yiddishkeit itself.

    Does this sound like a party that adheres to Torah values?

  9. #8 Check out shalos & tshuvos on these issues and you might be surprised at some of the answers from poshkim.

    Sounds like Torah Values to many..

  10. Avinu shebashamayim, Tzur Yisrael v’go’alo. Boreich es Medinas Yisrael reishis tzmichas geulaseinu. There! I said it and I say it proudly every Shabbos. You call that corruption of Yiddishkeit itself. After seeing nissim geluyim during each and every war (and in fact, every single day) in E”Y, I fully believe it is the truth and that HKB”H will eventually make all those that are blind to reality see the truth behind that statement. You think I am a kofehr and will burn in gehenom for believing this? Fine. I’ll take my chances….

  11. If Bayit Yehudi and the Hareidi parties could reach an agreement on foreign affairs (Bayit Yehudi has so far held that perpetual war is a reasonable price to pay for control of all of Eretz Yisrael, the Hareidim are more concerned with Jewish lives and security), the alliance of the three major Hareidi parties would be a serious threat to the Labor/Left and Nationalist/Right blocs.

  12. #8, absolutely! These are all basic Tora values. As for civil marriages, these refer only to cases where both parties have no religion 9e.g. olim from the FSU who are not Jewish).

  13. “the Hareidim are more concerned with Jewish lives and security” This is an old, dry, brittle point of view. When there was an inkling of peace possibilities then and only then did the life of even one Jew override war.

    Oslo accord brought more terror, violence, deaths and injuries than any of the wars since then. Relinquishing the Gaza strip gave us rockets into Ashdod, Beersheva and Tel-Aviv. There is zero concern with Jewish lives and/or security displayed by Hareidim. Explain: Is there Limud Hatorah for the zechus of Am Yisrael and its messengers the soldiers? Is there special kinnus, tefillos and extended sederim of learning during military missions? where and how is there a concern for Jewish lives and security?

  14. Yanky55,

    When I say the brocha of pokaiach ivrim tomorow, I will b’n keep the dati leumi tzibbur in mind.

    You’re not a kofer, just misguided.

  15. This Bayit “Yehudi” is a carry-over from the treachery of 1902 when the Mizrachi broke away from Klal Yisroel and the gedolim. This affects everything they say and do. It should affect everything we say and do.

  16. Well said zionflag! If the chareidi movement truly believed in the unity of the Jewish people and that their learning / davening was what protects our soldiers and our country… well, then – where were the protests and gatherings and learning sessions and prayers for our people when Gaza was being given away for NOTHING!?!? We got no peace or safety, only more missiles and attacks on our Jewish people!

    Everyone loves to say how the chareidi parties of Shas & Gimmel were actually against the pull out from Gaza but where were they?? They supported the pull out simply because they wanted money for their housing, yeshivas and avreichim and couldn’t care less about the unity or safety of the Jewish people at large!

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