TEHILLIM: Lakewood – Two Children Struck By Vehicle In Serious Condition

Lakewood, NJ – Two children are in serious condition, Sunday afternoon, after being struck by a vehicle.

The accident happened at Cushman Street and Route 9, just before 2:00PM.

The children, ages 2 1/2 and 8, were run over as they were crossing the street. According to a TLS report, the younger child was in a stroller when it was struck. They were both pinned under the vehicle.

Dozens of Hatzolah, EMS and Lakewood First Aid BLS and ALS units responded to the scene, along with an Extrication Unit.

The children were both transported to Jersey Shore Medical Center in serious condition.

Their names for Tehilim are Yitzchok Bentzion Ben Roza Bluma and Sarah Bracha Bas Roza Bluma.

Shortly after the incident, Lakewood Hatzolah received reports of a serious motorcycle crash on Hope Rd and Lakewood New Egypt Rd.

A victim was transported in traumatic Arrest by Lakewood Hatzolah Paramedics.

With reporting by TLS.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. I wouldn’t point fingers, but I would think, there are more accidents in Lakewood then in Manhattan!!! Its time to Start using blinkers, stop at stop signs, look before crossing, look before pulling out of driveways etc.!!! The driving in Lakewood has gotten out of hand!!!!

  2. With all due respect to the first poster, the Lakewood drivers are generally not at fault, the terrible driving conditions are. Lakewood has become a very populous town; however, the streets are still treated like a small country town. There are hardly any traffic lights at intersections and the stop signs are very often almost impossible to see due to the overgrowth of vegetation. The roads are winding and it is very difficult to see people crossing. Finally, there are still many streets that do not have sidewalks forcing pedestrians to walk in the roads.

  3. Sounds a lot like things I see in Boro Park… an older sister,
    perhaps 8 years old, pushing a sibling in a stroller on a shopping errand or whatever without adult supervision. If that was the case Rav Miller,A”H, had things to say about that sort of parental irresponsibility.

  4. Throughout our history much speculation was offered for the multitude of calamities that happened to us. Yes, the roads, etc and other suggestions may be offered, however those reasons are only the way Hashem made it happen. The true reason always boils down to our disgusting attitude in regards to bein odom le’chaveiro. Perhaps the time has come to stop parking in designated areas for handicaped people. let us stop using our lomdesho kops for reasons why we can park there. Reb Chaim Shlita paskened “any mitzvah performed during your parking illegaly in a handicaped spot is considerd Mitzvah habo Be’Aveira. He also paskened that calling the police is not mesirah. Only a tikun of bein odom lechaveiro will bring an end to these tragedies.

  5. Please lets just daven. Even president obama had enough sechel to not turn the school shooting into a political stand. As these beautiful young neshomos with so much life up ahead of them are battling to survive lets not debate the roadlayout or driving habits or the citizens of lakewood lets come together and daven.

  6. @shtarkzich
    Don’t jump to conclusions before you know the facts, and regardless, now is not the time to judge. Two kids are in critical condition and you’re pointing fingers. And just so you know, the two kids were crossing the street with their mother.

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