Come One Come All: Massive Marcy’s Red Tag Clearance Sale


Just in time for the freezing weather. Customers both in Boro Park and Lakewood where treated to an array of the warmest mens and boys coats at drastically reduced prices. It’s not just coats, one customer from Passaic remarked. We were able to find suits for my husband & son at great prices. The response was overwhelming as Marcy Clothing and The Boys Club began their Storewide Red Tag Clearance Sale last Thursday, to make room for the much anticipated 2013 spring arrivals.

Both 13th Avenue at 44th St. and Cederbridge Avenue, were unusually abuzz Thursday & Sunday nights. Customers took advantage of the 9:00 pm closings. The late hours were much appreciated, there was only one complaint, “WHY ONLY THREE DAYS? “With sons away in yeshiva and everybody’s busy schedule, shoppers wanted to come back with their sons to take advantage of the drastic savings. Mrs. R. had a wedding and bar mitzvah coming up right after Pessach, “my family has been shopping at Marcy Clothing for decades” she commented.  “I can still remember, as a young girl, schlepping with my father to Marcy Avenue in Williamsburg.  I watched my boys go from The Boys Club at their bar mitzvahs to Marcy at their chasunas, and now bli an hara with my grandson’s bar mitzvah, we begin the cycle again. But just three days? She wondered aloud.

At Marcy and The Boys club, you ask, and they listen. That’s just what they did. To accommodate the overwhelming response, all Red Tag Savings will be extended through Monday January 28th and late nights will be this Thursday & Sunday until 9:00 pm at both locations   Friday hours will be from 11:00am – 1:30pm, so take advantage of the late hours Thursday & Sunday.

Every item Tagged in red is drastically reduced. Mens Baggio   & Baggio Black label Wool/Cashmere lined long coats as low as $229.99   Mens Warm lined Wool Car coats  $149.99  Mens Baggio ¾ Wool lined coats with zip out vest & lining $169.99  Mens wool lightweight jacket. $99.99   Mens Suits as low as $229.99.

Boys Baggio Purple Label long wool , lined winter coat amazingly priced $149.99  Boys wool light weight jacket great for spring & fall $89.99  Boys Suits as low as $169.99   and  much more.

With prices this low, everyone can enjoy Marcy & The Boys Club’s renowned outstanding service, quality & style. Visit their flagship location at 4409 13th avenue in Boro Park   or you can take advantage of NJ Tax Free shopping by visiting Marcy Clothing and The Boys Club of Lakewood’s beautifully designed upscale store at 367 Cedarbridge Avenue in the Grand Central Plaza.

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