Kabolas Ponim for the Satmar Rebbe Shlita in Eretz Yisrael

A major kabolas ponim is planned in Eretz Yisrael to mark the arrival of the Satmar Rebbe Rav Zalman Leib Teitlebaum Shlita. The event is set for Sunday, 9 Shevat 5773 at 7:00PM.

Thousands are expected to take part in the event which is also being billed as a protest against “the Zionist government” and the harsh gezeiros as well as flying the flag of the mosdos who refuse to accept money from the government. The event will take place at Kikar Shabbos in Yerushalayim.

This will be the rebbe’s first trip since taking over as rebbe, and he will be attending a chasanah of a grandchild. He will also be laying the cornerstone for the new Satmar community in the Ramat Elchanan area of Bnei Brak.

The chasenah is schedule to take place on Tu B’Shevat, as was reported by YWN-ISRAEL earlier.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. The chasenah is schedule to take place on Tu B’Shevat, as was reported by YWN-ISRAEL earlier.

    How could that be? Tu B’Shevat is on Shabbos

  2. This may have greater political significance than many realize. If the government continues to attempt to conscript yeshiva students, it will in effect be forcing many who have been sitting on the fence to decide between be hareidi (and not accept government money) or merely very frum zionists (who depend on government money).

    Satmar has always been connected to the Eidus Hareidus. If the government seriously enforces its conscription policy (arresting yeshiva students who don’t enlist, punishing yeshivos who support draft resistors, cutting off funding to any yeshiva that doesn’t support and help implement conscription), Eidus Hareidus stands to become a lot larger and more important.

  3. 1) Tu BeShvat this year is on Shabbos and no one makes chasunos on Shabbos. When is the chasuna actually going to be?

    2) Why don’t you report that the main purpose of the rally on Sunday is to discourage people from participating in the elections, which the Satmar Rav, zatzal, held constituted collaborating with resha’im and was tantamount to taking part in avoda zara, shfichus damim and gilui arayos.

    3) It’s noteworthy that when R’ Yaakov Blau, zatzal, accepted a position on the BaDaTz, he did so on the condition that he wouldn’t be required to include his name on BaDaTz posters and in the years that he served on the BaDatz the only poster that included his name was one forbidding participating in elections.

  4. “Thousands are expected to take part in the event which is also being billed as a protest against “the Zionist government””

    I hate to brake it to you. It is IMPOSSIBLE to be in Israel, whether on a visit or if you live there, and not benefit from the filthy treiffa medina! From Ben Gurion airport to keeping the roads clean so the Rebbe can get from the airport to Yerusholayim to the electricty to the street lights so you don’t get killed crossing the street to the emergency room to the bread/cheese you eat to the milk/water you drink, etc, etc, etc… You people really have to grow up already! no one is saying you have to like the Government or accept a single penny from them, but, I mean, come on already!!!

  5. This reminds me of a story my grandfather told me.
    HaRav Aharon Kotler traveled together with the Satmar Rov to Eretz Yisroel. Rav Aharon came to speak at an event to encourage people to vote and support the Aguda ticket. The Satmar Rov spoke at an event similar to this, to denounce participation in the election.
    Then the next day, they traveled back to America together.

  6. There has already been a Pesak [this year] from a leading Godol haDor, Rav Steinman shlita, that every Israeli Citizen is obligated to vote, quite simply to hopefully increase the % of votes being cast for the Religious parties.

    This was already the stance & Pesak of the Chazon Ish & Rav Schach in past elections, so no current Rabbi can undo the Pesak of such Gedolim.

  7. #3 The difference bt Charedei and frum is government monies. Then everyone in the country who avails themselves of medical subsidies, bread/egg subsidies and bituach L’eumi is FRUM… thanks for the definition.

    Satmar is a minority DAAS when it comes to NOT VOTING in comparison to Rav Shach zt”l, Rav Elyashuv ZT”l, Rav SZ Aueverbach zt”l and Rav Steinman, Rav Auverbach, Gerrer Rebbe, Reb Chaim, Belzer Rebbe shlit”a.

  8. Don’t you realize how much foresight the Satmar Rebbe zt”l
    had? All the moisdos in E”Y that are dependent on government
    subsidies are crying ‘Chay Vekayom’ because of the threat of
    reduced funding. The Rebbe zt”l throughout the years raised money
    to support those moisdos that did not take this assistance. Thus,
    the government has no say in their operation. The W’msbg Satmar
    Rebbe is going to E”Y for the first time since his father’s petira
    to attend his grand-daughter’s wedding, bringing money to these
    same moisdos. He has been fundraising for months to achieve this.
    Tell me, is there any other place in the world that so despises the
    chareidi Jew? I don’t mean anti-Semitism, which is prevalent the
    world over, but specifically the frum Jew. How little respect they
    have for the ‘mekomos hakedoishim’, etc. etc… Enough

  9. Reply to Nos 2 and 4 No one makes a a chassanah on
    shabbos??? What planet do you live on?? Who are all those people
    dressed in chassideshe lvush streaming into the simcha halls on
    motzi shabbos to be m’sameach chosson v’kallah? Are they at
    rehersals for Sunday night simchas? Reply to No.7 Clearly the
    Zalmanites live in their own world where Rav Zalman is the gadol
    and posek hador and lesser luminaries such as Rav Elyashiv, Rav
    Yosef, Rav Aueverbach,Rav Kanievsky, Rav Steinman, Rav Auverbach,
    and the Ger, Belzer, Bobover and Lubabitcher Rebbes

  10. Eilu vieilu divrei Elokim chayim. I noticed that many
    articles about Satmar have a tendency to bash anyone who disagrees
    with “The Shita”. This article and the commenters, so far, are
    doing fine.

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