A Day of Violent Attacks at Kever Rochel

B’chasdei Hashem, Wednesday 5 Shevat 5773 ended with only one soldier injured, hit in his face with rocks, as Arabs have decided to increase violence around Kever Rochel, located in PA (Palestinian Authority)-occupied Beit Lechem.

At one point, the firebomb and rock-throwing attacks became so intense that security forces prevented mispallalim from reaching the site and those inside were locked in until the situation was declared ‘under control’. Officials report that at least nine explosive devices were thrown at the tziyun in addition to 18 Molotov cocktails (firebombs).

At one point, the Arabs tried to knock down a portion of the surrounding security wall, albeit without success.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. This is what happens when people vote for the chareidi
    parties. The chareidi parties have made it clear that security is
    not their top priority – they want money for their yeshivot, for
    their avreichim and for their lower cost housing. I know, someone’s
    going to say that their learning is what will protect us – that may
    be true on a spiritual plane but please remember that Hashem makes
    us take practical actions (our hishtadlus), only then does He bring
    miracles to protect us. Our learning is what makes our actions
    successful. Hashem is reminding us of all of this but we need to
    open our eyes to see it. Hashem told Moshe Rabbeinu to take
    specific practical actions in order to redeem our people. It was
    not good enough for Moshe to just sit and learn or tell the people
    to do so.

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