Greenfield Demands DOE Immediately Pay Special Education Providers

Councilman David G. Greenfield is blasting the New York City Department of Education for its failure to pay hundreds of employees for special education tutoring and classroom support services provided since the school year began. Councilman Greenfield is calling on the DOE to immediately resolve outstanding payment claims with all tutors and classroom assistants they contract with to ensure that no special needs students have their education impacted as a result of this dispute, and so that the providers can continue offering these critical services. Over the past few months, Councilman Greenfield has heard from over a dozen local residents who have not been paid by the DOE for services they have provided this school year, and from parents concerned about disruptions to their child’s education. Considering the vital services at stake, Councilman Greenfield is demanding that the DOE immediately pay these special education tutors, known professionally as P3 providers.

“It is shocking and downright unacceptable for the Department of Education to have so many unresolved payment issues with these dedicated special education providers. Unfortunately, it is the children who count on these individualized services that will lose out in this case, while at the same time these devoted providers are being taken advantage of. The DOE must keep in mind what is at stake here and get to the bottom of these serious complaints about lack of payment. We cannot afford to let this unnecessary and avoidable situation disrupt the education of thousands of special needs students,” said Councilman Greenfield.

The local special education providers who have not been fully paid for services dating back to September include Aviva Levy of Flatbush, who had contracted with the DOE for three years without a problem until this school year. So far, she has received only partial payment in December for services rendered in September, and has not received any payments since. This has forced her to spend thousands of dollars out-of-pocket to cover expenses such as materials and books. To make matters worse, she has not been able to contact anyone with the DOE in recent weeks to resolve this issue.

“In some cases, I have been working the whole year with zero payment. It is costing me money to work right now, even though I did everything I was asked to do. I feel bad for the parents, who are frustrated because they cannot get the services for their child, and we’re also frustrated,” said Aviva Levy.

According to complaints from special education providers who have contacted Councilman Greenfield, the problem arose when the DOE instituted a new billing and payment system used by tutors, without properly notifying providers of the new requirements. In the weeks and months since, many reported not being able to get up-to-date, definitive information from the DOE about the new billing process.

“To have employees not getting paid for weeks or months is embarrassing for the Department of Education, plain and simple. These are individuals who are dedicated to educating students with significant special needs, and should not have to spend their free time fighting for payment they are entitled to. I will continue to push this issue until every provider has been paid and no special needs child is in danger of losing these services,” concluded Councilman Greenfield.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. finally, someone is opening their mouth!! it absolutely disgusting, i mean we pay taxes, we pay tuition and yet the city is doing nothing and then our special needs kids suffer! what did they do to deserve this, its not enough that we parents suffer but we need this also!!!

  2. How about blasting the DOE for preventing children with special needs from getting their therapy services? The local agencies are refusing to release cases even though they cannot provide services and the children are not getting the therapy they need. The DOE is doing nothing about it. How about those special ed children, Mr. Greenfield? Your office said it would try to help on a case by case basis but would not intervene on the issue as a whole.
    And how about the therapists that are providing services for cases that were released but the DOE hasn’t paid for? Tack on that to your blast Mr. Councilman.

  3. Dear Councilman Greenfield,
    I am a P-3 provider in Queens and I have not been able to receive any of my money since the beginning of the school year. It was one excuse after another and then they are dragging things out asking for paperwork after paperwork. I am on the verge of losing my house, medical ins. and cars. I have not been able to pay any bills. The DOE owes me over twenty thousand dollars. I have started to get Councilman Jim Gennaro involved. If all of you who have constituents that are P-3 providers and make a strong standing with the DOE, maybe we can get paid. We are working in good faith but they are way out of compliance, not to mention causing us stress and bad credit. Please try to help us.
    Thank you,
    Shoshana (Susan) Feldman

  4. Thank you Councilman Greenfield
    You seem to be the only one trying to do anything about this travesty. The “paid-on-time” city workers are not helpful and know less about the “new system” that we do. They only know how to point each caller to someone else. What do they do with their time. If we want to trim waste start right there with DOE staffers.
    Good Luck and hope you are successful.

  5. Dear Geshicked & Shoshie,
    I am curious if you bothered to read this story. Councilman Greenfield is trying to help you and you are complaining? Seriously, geshicked you have a tayna because Greenfield’s office was honest with you and shoshie you are asking Greenfield to help after the story says he is working on it. A little hakaros hatov might be in order here.

  6. Thank you so much for the help through this very stressful time. The lack of communication and answers has been awful. Please keep us updated with any information!

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