Rav Yisrael Eichler: War Will Break Out on 11 Shevat

Yahadut Hatorah’s R’ Yisrael Eichler sends his election audio message to thousands, a message that is almost eight minutes long, seeking to persuade eligible voters to vote for his party.

Following are excerpts from the audio message:

War will break out on 11 Shevat 5773. The question is if the war will culminate with the voting slips, the election of parties and the negotiations and formation of a coalition government or will the war extend into the streets. Will we have to fight for the right to raise our children in the Torah way, to educate them as we know we must? Will we have to fight for housing for the young couples who have a right to live somewhere?

The Israel Lands Administration has taken almost all the land, 95%, explaining to us over the years they require the land to build and permit building throughout Eretz Yisrael. Today they need the money to build the swollen bureaucratic infrastructure, the many who were given jobs and do nothing for the citizens, yet they call those studying Torah to be labeled parasites while they do nothing. If there is anyone in the state that really toils, it’s those who learn full time, while we are compelled to fund their offices, lifestyle and vehicles.

Former Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stated 50% of the civil servants work 50% less then the private sector. The question remains if we will still be able to live in this country. If chas v’sholom we fail, we will be in the streets, and we are unarmed. They have police and weapons while we do not.

Who emerges the successor in the upcoming elections? Just the Arabs for they can show that which is taking place in Libya and other countries can chalila take place here and all of this is because we don’t vote. This is a luxury that HKBH has given us, to vote, to avoid fighting in the streets. There is no choice for there is a secular regime that wants to take over our lives and this must be a tenacious unrelenting war. We have no alternative.

We must decide if they can sit and learn and raise the next generation or not. Am Yisrael is not built for fighting way and in the thousands of years of galus we have moved from place to place and if chas v’sholom there is a war, they will not have time to learn. This is the reason they want us out of Knesset.

Chareidim must get out and vote and persuade others to do the same. We don’t need to take to the streets. We don’t need to burn trash cans. We don’t have to be sikrikim. We simply need to vote. Let us vote, live and keep the Holy Torah. Permit us to keep Shabbos. Permit us to live in this land as we should.

They are afraid of the Arabs. They are tough against us. Our koach is by strengthening the Torah, learning and in other areas of government and to work against the judicial system and the state prosecutor and others who are against us and not chas v’sholom to permit a situation of anarchy in Eretz Yisrael chas v’sholom.

We are still in galus, the galus of the nefesh and this is what they are doing. They are trying to take us from our Torah lives – to stop the children from studying as Lavan HaRami did.

We must vote and avoid chas v’sholom taking to the streets with protests, beating and clubs, and then prison. We can avoid this.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Before anyone complains about Israeli politics, consider the most likely alternative (one that was seriously advocated by the parents of the current elites in the early years of the medinah). It would have no messy elections. No defamation of public figures. A strict ban on “Lashon Hora”. Following good socialist models, they would announce the winner of the elections before people voted – just to avoid any confusion about who to vote for – and you can be certain it would be the sort of people we like to deal with.

  2. When you need a bracha for health, marriage or parnasa, you go to Reb Chaim Kanievsky. When you have a sheilah in learning you go to Reb Aron Leib Shteinman. And both of them will tell you to vote for Gimmel!

    So go and vote for Gimmel!

    Likud & Habayit Hayehudi believe the army protects klal yisrael, They don’t realize that Torah protects klal yisrael!

    So mi lahashem alai? Answer with a vote for Gimmel!

  3. There has to be better advocators for Gimmel party than MK Eichler. Scare tactics and threats were ammo used in Europe, really does not work with Anglos, New Olim or even modern-day Charedim.

    and why is there no UTJ representative addressing the Great Synagogue crowd? find it hard to believe that they were not invited….

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