R’ Amnon Speaks With Channel 2 News Magazine Program

Koach L’Hashpiah leader Rav Amnon Yitzchak is receiving more media attention as he continues to come under attack. The rav was hosted on the Channel 2 “Six” news magazine program on Tuesday 4 Shevat 5773.

The segment began with Channel 2 airing video footage of the hostile reception the rav received when he arrived in Beit Shemesh earlier this week, a situation which deteriorated to the point where someone sprayed pepper spray in the hall to prevent the rav from speaking.

Channel 2:

What are we looking at here? Can you explain what happened when you arrived in Beit Shemesh?

R’ Amnon:

We are viewing the Taliban Party that does not permit democratic elections.

Channel 2:

Why are you going head to head with Shas this time around?

R’ Amnon:

I never ran for Knesset before so I cannot speak for the past. As for know, they know many of their votes are coming to me and they fear the results following elections.

Channel 2:

But you are not seeking to get into Knesset.

R’ Amnon:

Correct. I will continue doing what I do. My party is made of chilonim, chareidim, kibbutzim, former IDF officers and others, simply to serve the nation. It is not a sector party but we are seeking to address national issues.

Channel 2:

Why will your party succeed when others did not? How can you be so certain?

R’ Amnon:

Look what I accomplished alone in past 35 years and all the baalei teshuvah. It shows something about my abilities. I am doing what Rav Shteinman told me to do. I am not looking to hurt anyone, including Shas. They are the ones attacking us and ultimately hurting themselves by their actions.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. the Rosh Yeshiva of Porat Yosef personally went to R Shteinman, and R Steinman told him the he NEVER said anything to Amon.
    the Rosh yeshivas asked R Shteinman if he can be mefarsem that R Shteinman said that he never endorsed Amnon or told him to open his own party, and R Shteinman said yes
    the rosh Yeshiva then asks the Shamosh, if maybe R Shteinman had forgotten that he told him, and the Shamosh said NO, he did NOT “forget”

  2. “It shows something about my abilities” seriously it’s all the ribno shel oliyom only a self centered ball gaviya talks like that disgusting

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