High Court Instructs the State to Respond Regarding Continued Yeshiva Funding

The Supreme Court on Tuesday, 4 Shevat 5773 heard a petition from the Hiddush organization, the Share the Burden Forum and others, which questions continue national government funding to yeshivos when the students are supposed to be going into the IDF. The petitioners cite the court’s decision from last summer in which it disqualified the Tal Law, which was the legal basis for funding yeshivos serving draft eligible talmidim and avreichim who do not serve in the military. As such, Hiddush wishes to understand the continued funding by the government, which it feels lacks legal backing.

Justices Asher Grunis, Miriam Naor and Edna Arbel heard the petition and instructed the government to respond within 45 days, showing justification for the continued state funding of the mosdos.

The court also questions the role of the attorney general regarding the continued flow of funds, which is not legal under current realities following the abolition of the Tal Law.

State attorney Yuval Rothman told the court for as long as a talmid has not received a draft notice, there is no reason he cannot be funded to learn. Once he has a draft notice in hand, then the picture changes.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Real Hareidim don’t accept zionist money, and are unaffected.

    Those that have become addicted to easy money from the government, may now have a problem.

    Note that the Israeli courts are apparently considering holding it unconstitutional for the government to support learning Torah. For this we need a medinah?

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