Nationwide Parnassah Expo Galvanizing Historic Participation

By now, it is hard to find a single business industry or North American Jewish community that doesn’t have an active presence in the “Nationwide Parnassah Expo and Networking Event.” The expo will be held at the Meadowlands Exposition Center on February 12th and boasts a reach never before seen in our community, living up to its vow to service “Every Age; Every Stage” in the pursuit of a reliable livelihood.

A range of prestigious corporations, including Investors Bank, Global Healthcare, T5 Equity, ID Tech, Madison Title Agency and Bushkill Inn, have announced sponsorships for event activities. New Jersey economic development officials, as well as buyers for municipal projects in the state, will participate, as will representatives from various Jewish communities seeking to grow their communities. In addition to these prominent participants, small and midsize businesses of all sizes will have a strong presence, offering them a one-of-a-kind opportunity to broaden their horizons.

Businessmen and activists from communities as diverse as Boro Park, Flatbush, Marine Park, Far Rockaway/Five Towns, Cleveland, Lakewood, Los Angeles, Montreal and beyond have taken a leading role in reaching out to individuals and businesses in their midst. A special committee of experienced businessmen and activists, including Lakewood Mayor Isaac Akerman, Mr. Chesky Kauftheil and Mr. Shea Rubenstein, has been formed to help with community outreach and logistical execution. A comprehensive media campaign has been undertaken throughout the continent and a vast turnout is expected.

“Every yid with a business, service, organization –or even just motivation and talent- is of great value to help others in the business world,” says Reb Duvi Honig, Parnassah Expo’s founder and director. “At the expo, they can all meet and network with each other. No one lives too far away from or can’t make themselves known to someone they can benefit from.”

Over 60,000 square feet of the Meadowlands floor will be filled with a cross section of valuable business, employment and vocational resources, all meticulously organized in a spacious setting. The flagship section will be a major “Industries” section, where scores of companies that service a particular industry will showcase their business to potential associates and clients. This section will have special subsections for real estate and construction, health care, technology, import/export and manufacturing, and “other.”

Each industry section will have its own panel of veterans in the field that will be available for consultation in the designated spacious networking corner, which will feature both structured and spontaneous networking sessions. The businesses featured in each section will include conventional ventures as well as unique services that are typically not known about.

As with the abovementioned sectioned, each other expo section is structured to maximize the benefit for all attendees. A major job fair will occupy another section. Job openings at all income levels will be featured. Businesses and other employers will even be able to obtain a “hiring” tag at the expo door if they have any job opportunities, in order to ensure the broadest possible selection.  Another section will feature general business enhancement tools, such as marketing, law, finance, etc. In addition, there will be a special Investors Circle to help all ambitious entrepreneurs network with potential investors in their ideas.

All businesses featured will have solid exposure to countless people who can use their services. Unlike most business-to-business events, businesses with booths will not only be able to offer their services, but other attendees will be encouraged to offer them services as well. Due to the expo’s super-organized layout, companies that have booths will be very easy to locate and network with. Other packed sections include social service organizations and headhunting corporations, a cross section of academic and vocational training programs, and an array of seminars by successful businessmen and coaches.

“The teamwork between all the diverse communities and entities involved in the expo is a true Kiddush Hashem,” says R’ Honig.

For more information about Parnassah Expo or to make reservations, please call 732-987-7704, visit or email [email protected]

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