Agenda at the NY State Democratic Convention: REMOVAL OF SENATOR SIMCHA FELDER

The New York State Democratic party is meeting for two days this week at Hofstra University on Long Island to nominate candidates for governor, attorney general and other offices up for election this fall.

An excerpt from Zack Fink’s Spectrum NY1 News report on leaked internal documents reads: “There are often a number resolutions that are considered at the convention, and here is one that jumped right out. Check out the 4th one down. It says ‘Removal of Senator Simcha Felder from the Democratic Party.’ There is also a resolution urging the party to support Felder’s primary opponent. Highlighted below in red.”

Carl Campanille at the NY Post reported, “The state Democratic Party will likely pass a resolution at its convention to support a primary against rogue Brooklyn Democratic state Sen. Simcha Felder, who caucuses with the Republicans and whose vote is the only reason the GOP controls the chamber.

The party is also expected to consider another resolution that would seek to throw Felder out of the party.

The resolutions were included in leaked documents obtained by The Post in preparation of the party convention on May 23-24. Democratic Party executive director Geoff Berman confirmed that both resolutions are on the agenda, but declined to predict how the 400 delegates would vote.”

The executive committee for the New York State Democratic Party approved the resolution for Felder’s removal on Wednesday morning, and it is awaiting a full floor vote.

Reached for comment, NY1 reports Felder says,

“I am honored to be the most important thing on the minds of Democratic Party operatives. I am humbled by the fact that most of my constituents, who are Democrats, are more than OK with what I am doing.”

NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) says the Democrats are making a huge mistake if they go ahead and toss New York State Senator Simcha Felder from their party, as has been suggested.

“The Democratic Party doesn’t exactly represent what ALL Democrats care about these days,” said Hikind. “I hope they don’t jump off the cliff with something as knee-jerk foolish as throwing out Senator Felder. First of all, throwing out Felder would change nothing. Our community would still vote for him regardless of which ticket he ran on. Senator Felder is doing what he’s supposed to do: He’s representing his constituents, not a party. Throwing him out would simply be symbolic and it would send the wrong message. It’s idiotic and counter-productive. Let them find another scapegoat.

“What would be next, throwing out registered Democrats who vote for Republicans? Where does the party draw the line? Aren’t they ‘progressive’? Don’t they hold themselves up as the ‘inclusive’ party? What ever happened to the Big Tent?”

Democratic Party executive director Geoff Berman

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. The grave that Cuomo is digging for himself and the state Democratic Party is getting deeper. May that political grave be filled with these traitors soon.

  2. The Dems should have expelled him long ago when he started voting with the Repubs…let him run as a republican if he wants to be an R…..

  3. 1. He is a Republican in all but name.
    2, Why is he a Democrat anyways? The “ikar” of being a Democrat is to support “freedom FROM religion”, support sexual “freedom” of all perverse flavors, support discrimination based on political correctness — all positions that make it impossible for a Torah Jews to be a Democrat anymore.

  4. Dorahleh: Spoken like a good communist! The Politburo has decided, expel him from the party, that’ll teach him a lesson! They can’t dictate which party he’s registered in. They can’t keep him off the ballot if he wins the primary. So what can this accomplish besides antagonizing him, which is a politically foolish thing to do in case they’ll need his support in the future.

  5. The Liberal Jews in the Democratic Party are obviously upset over his anti-Progressive political platforms as well as his position on mosdos chinuch.

    JINO’s have a lengthy history of using political influence to make gzeiros against toireh. With the news on Chasidish schools, could it possible that these Democrats are being manipulated with bribes for political favors into impeaching Felder?

  6. To be fair no Jews should be democrats at this point. Their future in the democrats party is bleak. Those nice liberals with their fake smoked were nice, only so they can get their foot in the door, but they hate you.

  7. To be fair no Jews should be democrats at this point. Their future in the Democrat party is bleak. Those nice liberals with their fake smiles were nice, only so they can get their foot in the door, but they hate you.

  8. In the final moments of today’s convention, delegates approved resolutions to remove State Sen. Simcha Felder from the Democratic Party and to legalize marijuana in NY. said the lady

    Are the 2 related?

  9. Gadolhadorah,
    Always on the left /wrong side,
    At least you’re consistent at least

    First ,Parties[ American parties that is] were/are supposed to be and still claim to be broad tents except insofar as to when it comes to the most crucial issues
    Does this mean the Democrats [and yourself] have zero room left whatsoever for Felder and other with similar Values such Ruben Diaz Sr.?! If that’s so,they should be publicly frank and forthright and lose more votes!

    Second, on economics and gov’t programs Felder leans more Democratic

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