Hiddush Appeal to Election Committee Halts Direct Broadcast of R’ Ovadia’s Shiur

The weekly motzei Shabbos shiur of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita that is broadcast live on Kol Berama Radio will not be carried live until after the general elections on 11 Shevat 5773.

The Hiddush organization turned to Justice Elyakim Rubinstein in his capacity as chairman of the Central Election Committee seeking to prevent the weekly broadcast since the Gadol Hador usually addresses current events and this is tantamount to electioneering, which is prohibited during the period ahead of the elections other than the election infomercials.

Shas officials decided that the shiur would not be broadcast until following the elections as a result of Hiddush’s petition.

This past motzei Shabbos, the Shiur was given by Rav Yitzchak Yosef, the Bal Yalkut Yosef, as Rav Ovadia was hospitalized in Hadassah Medical Center.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. they want to stop yeshiva bochurim from learning Torah, NOW they want to stop a Gadol Hador from broadcasting his Shiur to those thirsting to hear his words of wisdom. HMMM.. maybe shas should play their game and broadcast his shiur or part of it as an allowed “election infomercial”!Go Shas, Go Yishai, Go Deri

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