President Peres: Only Palestinian Statehood Will Prevent More Bloodshed

Just a few days after President Shimon Peres came under fire for his remarks, which many viewed as blatant presidential involvement in the upcoming elections, Mr. Peres is at it again.

Once again Mr. Peres released statement that supporters of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu feel undermine the outgoing administration’s position.

“The world’s Jews want an Israel they can be proud of and not an Israel that has no borders and that is considered an occupying state,” Peres is quoted in the New York Times as saying.

Referring to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Mr. Peres added “He may do nothing, but that doesn’t mean that things won’t be done. This idea, that history is a horse that can be held by the tail, is a foolish idea. After all, the fire can be lit in an instant: another word, another shot, and in the end everyone will lose control. If there is no diplomatic decision, the Palestinians will go back to terror,” the president told correspondent Yediot Achronot Ronen Bergman in recent months.

The president feels the PA (Palestinian Authority) will be “pressured” by Arab neighbors and it will return to a path of terrorism even against its own will, left without an alternative. He warns that this return to terror will be backed by the Arab world and money and weapons will be smuggled in and there will be no one to stop it.

The president points out that the PA (Palestinian Authority) bid for statehood enjoys the support of most of the international community as was seen in the United Nations General Assembly. He feels that for one reason or another, talks always seem to break down, warning of the ominous results of the lack of progress in the diplomatic process between Israel and the PA.

The president cites the issue of the PA in not the main regional issue, but there are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world and Israel’s relationship with the PA directly impacts the nation’s relationship with the international Muslim community.

Regarding the upcoming elections the president confirms that the left-wing pressured him to run, but he would not, adding “They pressed me hard, but I concluded that I should not run, for reasons I do not wish to elaborate on. I was elected president for a seven-year term, and I will carry out this commitment.”

“I do not think there are many people in the world who can say they managed to bring down a 600 percent inflation rate, create a nuclear option in a small country, oversee the Entebbe operation, set up an aerospace industry and an arms-development authority, form deep diplomatic relations with France, launch a Sinai campaign to open the Straits of Tiran and put an end to terror from Gaza. I do not, perish the thought, claim to have done all this alone. I just think that perhaps without me it would not have happened.”

The optimistic president added that he believes he will live to see world peace.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. 1. No one expected Peres to keep his mouth shut when he became President. The job is modelled on the British Head of State (the monarch), and there is no way to get a politician to stay neutral on politics.

    2. His statement would only be true if the Arabs were giving up their claims on Eretz Yisrael – which none are willing to do so (remember they have roots going back at least 1300 years, often more – that’s way longer than any non-Indians have been living in North America). Unless the Palestinian state includes places such as Yaffa and Akko and Haifa and Yerushalayim – the Arabs will never agree. This suggests the only solutions are a bi-national state (single state solution) or transfer (i.e. genocide/ethnic cleansing).

  2. So now Peres has officially revealed Israel’s ‘nuclear option’??! On top of all the other damage his presidential mouth has just done ?? This man is a liability to his people, the sooner he keeps his delusions to himself the better!

  3. This man should learn to keep his big mouth closed. He is a big shoiteh. He is a bigger fool than I thought if he still thinks the PA is a peace partner. Do they have such a thing as impeachment over there??

  4. How long dose some one like this person run around and chader and harm the Jews before sending him back to Israel and locked up so he can’t be seen and heard , can we get Olmert also but away so he to can’t harm us jews

  5. When will the 7 years of ridiculous statements come to an end? He has no feel for the present day pulse in the Arab World or understands the Arab Spring. Hamas will be taking over Yehuda, Shomron and parts of Yerushalayim and the battle will become more fierce.
    Send him off on Foreign Missions out of the country as soon as possible.

  6. Palestinian Statehood — Ask Mr. Halteal (sp?) abt

    such statehood. His wife at that time and her 5 girls

    ages 4 through 11 plus the child in his wife’s womb were

    murdered at point blank range near Gush Katif abt7 yrs

    ago. The two Arab terrorists were much celebrated in

    Gaza city and other parts of the Arab world.

    There was/is/never be any change in Arab views on

    Israel and the Jewish !!!

    Israel, take back ALL of Gaza, Judea, Samaria, and the

    East bank and EAST JERUSALEM !!!! Vorstehen Sie Haben??

    B’vah’kah’shah, ALL Jews—suggest u do more Talmud

    Torah, more davvening and more deeds of kindness (Chesed)

    Be careful of all goy—including ME !!!

    A goy,

    Gerry Mullen, Riverside, NJ

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