PHOTOS: Explosion in Tel Aviv on Shaul HaMelech Street [UPDATED 13:23 IL]


13:07 IL: A mass casualty response is underway following the report of an explosion with injuries in Tel Aviv, at Shaul HaMelech and Kaplan Streets near the Kirya, Defense Ministry. There are reports of injuries. More to follow.

13:13 IL: There are reports of a second report of an explosion on Jabotinsky Street in Tel Aviv. Regarding the first explosion, Channel 2 TV News reports it was on or near a bus.

13:15 IL: Channel 2 News is reporting that Israel Police states the blast was a car next to a bus, an apparent underworld hit targeting the vehicle, not the bus.

The mass causality response has been canceled. There are injured, apparently light and moderate. More to follow.

13:18: Magen David Adom reports seven people have been injured, describing the injuries as light and light-to-moderate. Channel 2 reports that police are confident, albeit not certain, that the bomb was intended for the Mazda that exploded.

It appears that the fact the blast occurred when the car was next to a bus led pedestrians to believe there was a terror attack against a bus on Shaul HaMelech Street in the direction of Ramat Gan.

Channel 2 reports bus passengers are not among the injured.

13:23: Both Ichud Hatzalah and MDA have canceled their emergency response to the blast area. All victims have been transported to the hospital, as was confirmed by MDA Chief Eli Bin. Ichud EMT Ze’evi Teffer reports the victims that he saw and treated were not from the bus.


YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos by News 24.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. I’m sure everyone thought, as I did, that it must have been a terrorist attack initially. Why? Because this is literally about 100 meters from the site bus bomb attack during the Gaza operation.

    Just a coincidence, apparently…

  2. A terror attack would benefit the right-wing, so it must be a criminal attack.
    Perhaps the wicked right-wing planted the bomb to look like a terror attack to get support in the new elections?
    On the other hand……

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