Senior Health Ministry Official Opposes Re-designating EMS Ministerial Responsibility

Speaking at the third annual Ichud (United) Hatzalah Conference taking place in Jerusalem’s Ramada Hotel, Health Minister Director-General Prof. Roni Gamzu addressed moving ministerial responsibility for the nation’s EMS services. Gamzu addressed the conference on Wednesday 27 Teves 5773, expressing opposition to the idea of moving ministerial responsibility for the nation’s emergency medical services (EMS) from the Health Ministry to the Public Security Ministry.

Gamzu stated emphatically that he would not permit “interested parties” in moving the ministerial responsibility for EMS services to another ministry.

“This is the forum from which I will state loud and clear that emergency organization responsible for EMS services will continue under the exclusive ministerial supervision of the Health Ministry. No other ministry will share in this task for such a move defies logic. One may move firefighting services from the Interior Ministry to the Public Security Ministry but not EMS, for such a move is contrary to our methodology.

Prof. Gamzu added he is planning to implement change in regard to the reality in which residents of suburban areas are billed significantly higher amounts for an ambulance as opposed to the resident of a metropolitan area. He feels the fees must be lowered.

Regarding Ichud Hatzalah, Prof. Gamzu believes the organization stands out due to “its element of volunteerism”, stating there is no other organization that can make the same claim, providing such a vital service entirely on a volunteer basis. He urged Ichud leaders to continue moving ahead and improving at what they excel towards doing the utmost possible to save lives.

While other EMS organizations do indeed rely upon volunteers, they also maintain a paid staff and charge for their EMS services while Ichud Hatzalah treats callers free of charge and all responders are volunteers.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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