Shas Wants PM to Commit to Retaining Jewish Character of the State

The co-leaders of Shas; Eli Yishai, Aryeh Deri and Ariel Atias on Tuesday 26 Teves 5773 called upon Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to sign a statement committing to maintain the Jewish character of the state in the next government coalition. Shas officials explain to the prime minister they simply wish to inform Shas voters where a new government headed by him will be directed on key issues.

The declaration prepared by Shas read: “We of the Shas Party, your coalition partners in the last coalition and we who recommend you for the presidential mandate to form the next government along with hundreds of thousands of our voters, traditional citizens who voted for you in the past, call upon you to declare the continued Jewish path of the government following the elections.”

The Shas leadership admits it is concerned due to the Likud union with the more pro-secular Yisrael Beitenu Party as well as due to recent developments in the centrist/left-wing camp, which may result in a government coalition that is a far cry from today’s reality.

The document calls for four major points;

1. Maintaining the current religion status quo on religion and state matters,

2. Preventing legislation that would create a fast track for conversions,

3. Preventing legislation that would legalize civil and mixed marriages between Jews and non-Jews,

4. Preventing public bus service on Shabbos .

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Really? Shas has become the “broken promises” laughing stock, of the Israely political scene! It’s high time the Shas Party, gets over themselves! They are finally realizing that the public does NOT trust them “like they used to” anymore & are getting desperate!

  2. #1 and #2 – Bibi wouldn’t (and couldn’t) agree to that, so it would only torpedo the whole thing. Better to get some assurances like preventing additional chillul shabbos.

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