Israel: Storm Deceives Waze App

For Israelis who are among the many international users of the Waze GPS app on Tuesday, 26 Teves 5773, the smartphone application proved it is not infallible.

During the hours when the Ayalon Highway was closed due to flooding Waze continued directing motorists to use the Ayalon because it was ‘clean and green’ as it directed travelers to their destinations via the Ayalon.

Only when some motorists got in the Ayalon area did they realize the app mislead them, albeit unintentionally.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Waze is an Israeli app. So Israelis using it are not international users, they are domestic users…..

    Anyway, useful lesson regarding GPS traffic apps. I wonder whether Google Maps Traffic (which has the exact same functionality as Waze) does register it when there is suddenly *no* traffic on a road?

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