IDF Plans to Induct 20,000 Chareidim in the Next Two Years

With chareidim concerned over the impending draft of thousands of talmidei yeshivos in the summer of 2013, the IDF is moving ahead with the planned induction of thousands of draft eligible men. This is in line with the decision of the High Court of Justice eliminating the Tal Law which provided a legal cloak for bnei yeshiva to continue learning instead of entering the military.

The military is in the final stages of expanding the Nachal Chareidi battalion as well as the Shachar units, programs designed to accommodate a chareidi way of life for inductees who will be serving in the coming years.

In line with the plans formulated by the IDF Personnel Branch, 19,500 bnei yeshiva will be called to service in the next two years in compliance with the High Court ruling and standard draft procedures for eligible members of the population.

Yahadut Hatorah is centering its election campaign around the draft issue, telling its tzibur that if it does not earn at least seven seats in the 19th Knesset it may lack the political weight to compel a new draft deferment law and the “harsh gezeira” will be actualized.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. and then they can start on the girls – the same legal rule that the Supreme Court adopted to require the army (against its will) to draft all the 18 year old yeshiva students also will require drafting all the girls at the same time.

    It’s possible that the Israelis will find a way out, but at present, they are headed on a collision course that will seriously weaken the army, and collapse international support for Israel.

  2. Why do they wake up now. The Tal law was up for renewal while the Yahadut hatorah was in the government.
    Where were their big mouths then.
    Why were they ineffective when the support for yeshivas was reduced and the subsidy for large families?
    Maybe its time they were replaced by someone effective.

  3. Hatzlacha to them all @1 Mah Kesher losing international support?? if anything, we will lose it because the way charadim treat women…

  4. @1- You keep repeating the mantra that it will weaken the army. There happens to be some very good soldiers in nachal chareidi. My nephew is one of them. Those who do not want to be in the army can do sheirut leumi. This will in no way weaken army moral….

  5. (#5): At present the army only enlists Hareidim who have decided to leave full time learning, and volunteered to be in the army. They are happy to have the opportunity to serve in the army. They don’t mind being discriminated against by have less opportunities for promotion. Once they rely on dragging students out of the Beis Medrash under threat of prison, many of whom believe that the existence of a secular Jewish state is against halacha, they will have some very unwilling soldiers. Soon, at least 10% of the army will be these unmotivated, indeed angry, conscripts. Those who don’t want to go in the army are offered only two alternatives: prison or to flee the country. A volunteer is happy to get glatt food even if its the equivalent of chicken nuggets. A conscript will expect it to be just as good as the schnitzel the hiloni get (and so forth).

    #3. Israel’s international support does not come from people who are radical feminists, or secularists, or liberals of any sort. It comes from Christians who see in zionism the fulfillment of Biblical dreams and hopes. Israeli’s supporters see zionism is religious terms. They aren’t attracted by the sorts of tourism that Tel Aviv is famous for (that we can’t discuss on YWN). When these people see the most pious Jews being persecuted and protesting – they will be must less likely to act on Israeli’s behalf.

    The only solution that will avoid a disaster will be to both accomodate liberally those frum Jews who want to be in IDF – and to reward them financially —- and to allow men who refuse to serve on halachic grounds the option to simply refuse (as do women at present). A switch to a professional army would also solve a lot of problems.

  6. You see that picture above. That frightens the Arabs. You see, I would be frightened to if I didn’t know better. But there is nothing that the Arab enemy is frightened by more than looking down the barrel of a gun in the hands of a Charedi who looks like the two gentleman in the picture. וראו כל עמי הארץ כי שם השם נקרא עליך ויראו ממך. (I hope that quote is accurate.)

  7. Baruch Hashem, they are drafting 19,500 more 18 year old boys into the battei medrashim! They want to win the war, don’t they?

    I wonder what the not-yet-dati public will do? What with 18,900 fewer young men to attend the soccer games, night clubs, concerts, etc. Perhaps the shiurim of Rav Ovadia Yoseif, Rav Amnon Yitzchak, and Rav Shteinman and Rav Kanievsky will be able to fill the gap. We can only daven that it does.

  8. The draft in Israel is a national disaster. It forces tens of thousands of militarily useless people into the IDF. They all must be treated as if they are real soldiers. So they are all trained, clothed, housed, feed and looked after. This is a waste of Billions of Shekels every year. It is also a major loss to the economy in that most if not all of these pseudo soldiers could be productive members of the job force instead of a drain on the economy.

    The reality is that only a small percentage of men and an even small percentage of women can be soldiers. To pretend that everyone can and must be a soldier is not a rational but ideological decision. It originate from a Fascistic world view in which everyone belongs to the “State.” Therefor everyone must serve the “State.” The “State” being a gang of self serving, parasitic elitists.

    The draft exists in Israel only as a means of social control. From the time that the Palmach was converted into the IDF, it has been used as tool to brainwash the youth of the country into loyal Leftist drones.

    The fantasy of the “State” is that once they can get their claws into the Yeshiva crowd, they will be able to reeducate them into “normal” Israelis. What is really going to happen is that within a few years of forcing Yeshiva boys into the IDF, they will take over the IDF. The Torah haters have nothing to offer to anyone. They no longer have anything other than the power of position. They have no ideology that can be taken seriously by an intelligent person. They have no plan for the future other than destroying the country and living in Cyprus. The Yeshiva boys on the other hand have the power and vision of Torah plus they will be guided by the Roshie Yeshiva and Gedolie Torah.

    When the “State” realizes what is happening they will cancel the draft. If they do not then in the end, the IDF will be ours and the rest of the country will follow.

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