Statement On White House Faith And Opportunity Initiative

Statement of Rabbi Abba Cohen, Vice President for Federal Affairs and Washington Director for Agudath Israel of America, upon President Trump’s signing of the Executive Order on the “White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative:

In signing today’s Executive Order establishing the White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative, President Trump affirms his Administration’s commitment to religious liberty and to the important role religious communities play in our society.

By retaining and reorganizing this office within the White House, the President is providing continuity and building on the important work of previous administrations in helping to ensure equity for and nondiscrimination against religious entities that are devoted to addressing America’s most pressing needs.

Having an office within the White House that directs and coordinates the activities that are already so ably conducted by the existing faith-based centers in the different agencies will make their work even more effective. And we are particularly pleased that the EO directs all federal agencies to appoint liaisons that will be devoted to faith and opportunity initiatives.

Perhaps, above all, we are gratified that the EO is not simply a matter of providing “equal access” to religious groups to participate in federal programs. The President’s directive provides that the goals of the initiative include apprising the Administration of any failures of the executive branch to comply with religious liberty protections under law and to take steps to reduce the burdens on the free exercise of religion. Simply put, religious conscience should be safeguarded and no one should be forced to violate his or her religious beliefs.

The “faith-based initiative” has been a longstanding religious liberty priority of Agudath Israel and we applaud the President for continuing and enhancing it in both policy and practice.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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