Rav Amnon Yitzchak: I’m Not Dropping Out

After the audio tape of the visit to HaGaon HaRav Aaron Leib Shteinman Shlita by Rav Shalom Cohen made the rounds in the chareidi media, Rav Amnon Yitzchak announced “I am not dropping out of the race”, stating his Koach L’Hashpiah Party will run to the end.

Rav Amnon mentioned Rav Cohen by name, using harsh words to describe the meeting and his determination to undermine Rav Amnon. “Since when do I belong to the Sephardim” questioned Rav Amnon, adding “I sent them so many baalei teshuvah and now I am attacked for fulfilling the mitzvah as it was explained to me by an Ashkenazi Gadol Hador.”

“Who is he to the Gadol Hador? I asked a question and received a response”, stated Rav Amnon vis-à-vis Rav Cohen’s visit to Rav Shteinman, adding that they are concerned because he has learned that even mispallalim of Rav Ovadia’s shul will be voting for his party and this has Shas concerned and angry.

In short, Rav Amnon stated he is not abandoning the election race and he plans to continue and he remains confident that those who know him and what he does will remain true and vote for his party.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. to number #1

    It’s BECAUSE Moshiach didnt come!

    Yidden are confused, and quit frankly Meshuga from this Golus, they want to do good and be erlich, but the confusion and fog is too overwhelming. IMHO 🙂

  2. If a candidate is not in the three percent (3%) range or higher, they tend to lose almost all support since few people want to vote for a candidate who will fall below the “threshold”, meaning the votes in effect will be thrown out.

  3. In two weeks from now we’ll know better. People tend to judge according to surveys, but most surveys are not objective – to say the least. They are purposely ignore Rav Amnon’s party in order to discourage potential voters away from him. However – I have a good reasons to believe that despite this unfair game, his party will be The Surprise of this election

  4. Am I the only one reading this to understand that teimanim (Yemenites) aren’t Sfardim? Kudos to Rav Amnon for pointing out that salient fact for the historically challanged. Let each shevet fote for its degel, and then let them form a torah observant coalition.

  5. שאלה – 105928
    בבקשה ובתחינה מכבוד הרב הי”ו עזרנו רבנו על הסערה המתחוללת סביב גדולי ישראל.
    את כל מי שרוח אלקים בקרבו אבקש ואתחנן לפניכם, אנא, חדלו מכל המחלוקות הבזיונות וההכפשות הללו, ומכל דיבורי הסרק ושיחות בטילות אשר הבחירות הביאו בעקבותם, הזהרו בגחלתן של תלמידי חכמים שלא תיכוו בה.

    נא ונא כל ירא אלקים וחרד לדבר השם יתברך ישתוק וידום ולא ידבר מאומה על שום גדול בישראל, וכל המערכה שהיהדות ניצבת בפניה אינה כדאית ואינה שווה כלל אם חלילה יפגם כהוא זה כבודם של תלמידי חכמים כי החילול השם הוא נורא ואיום.

    כמו כן הנני להבהיר באופן הברור והמוחלט שאין לי אישית שום קשר בשום ענין או כל דיבור בנושא, ומי שחס על נפשו יתרחק מכל דיבור אסור.

    החותם בכאב ובצער רב בן ציון מוצפי.

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