Bennett: Netanyahu Will be the Next Prime Minister

HaBayit HaYehudi leader Naftali Bennett announced that it is clear the next prime minister will be Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, explaining the left-wing simply cannot enlist enough support to block the right-wing majority.

Speaking to students in Ono College, Bennett explained that the right-wing has gained momentum and it will hold a majority in the next coalition government. “I worked with Netanyahu and his heart is in the right place” he explained, referring to his past tenure as a bureau chief for the prime minister. Bennett stressed that if Mr. Netanyahu has a strong right-wing coalition, the correct people at his side, he will do the right thing.

Asked to respond to the audible Likud criticism directed at Bennett’s party, calling it “right-wing extreme”, Bennett stated “we are the true centrist party”.

Bennett stated that despite Likud campaign blows against his party, he will recommend the presidential mandate be given to Mr. Netanyahu.

When asked if he would remain in a coalition that enters into talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority) towards statehood, he responded “before the wedding I will not respond to such questions”, not wishing to commit himself.

Speaking on Monday 25 Teves 5773 at the 10th Jerusalem Conference, Bennett explained that the prime minister is working to build a left leaning government like the outgoing administration. He reminded the audience that while the voters elected a right-wing government, Netanyahu appointed Ehud Barak, a left-wing defense minister. He added that at present, Tzipi Livni remains unwilling to state she will not enter into a government headed by Netanyahu.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. All he is saying, in American political language, is that Netanyahu has captured the “center” – which in proportional representation means he will be Prime Minister. However his coalition can very considerably depending on who is junior partners are. Having become the center, he can form a Center-Right or a Center-Left, or even a Center-Secular Right-Moderate Left but excluding religious. And since Netanyahu has the best position, he can be fussy.

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