Eida Chareidi Planning Mass Tikun Chatzos Tefilla Rally Against Planned Draft

Rabbonim of the Badatz Eida Chareidis are planning a large tefilla rally and tikun chatzos on next Friday night, Parshas Vaeirah. The main gathering is expected to be at Kikar Shabbos but the Eida hopes there will be similar gatherings at the same time in different frum areas of the city.

It is now apparent to the chareidi tzibur that barring any major change, the date of August 15, 2013 (9 Elul 5773) has been set for the first large induction of talmidim, those draft eligible young men who planned to enter a beis medrash in Eretz Yisrael but will now be compelled to enter the military.

Additional information regarding the tefilla event will be announced later in the week as the Eida releases information.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. maybe if the thousands of eida members here in israel would vote in the next election they would be able to avert the gezeira

    this is a bit like the story of the man who climbed up onto the roof of his house to escape rising flood water and refused help from rescuers who came past because he was relying on G-d to save him

    eventually he drowned and came to G-d with a complaint… why hadn’t He saved him… after all he had complete faith in G-d that He would

    G-d’s response was that he had sent numerous rescuers to help the man but they had all been turned away

    You need to daven to change a gezeira… but you have to do more than just demonstrate and shout too (especially if you have the opertunity)

  2. The question is whether the Eidah’s supporters will:

    1. Ignore the draft and force the army to arrest them;

    2. Show up for the draft and then publicly refuse to be drafter (open resistance), and more or less dare the army to arrest them

    3. Request exemption on grounds that zionism is contrary to Jewish law, and they should be regarded as conscientious objectors

    4. Request protection from international human rights organizations and/or foreign governments

  3. to #1, the Agudah and other Chardeim have Voted in the Israeli National Elections for the past 60 years and they where not able to avert this Gezeira for Drafting Yeshivah Buchirim and Kollel Yungeleit into the IDF so what makes you beleive that if the Eida members will vote in the next election they will able to avert this Gezeira, if all Chareidim including Sfardim/Chasidish/Litvish would follow the Eidah (and the psak of the Satmar rebbe Z’L) Not to Vote in National Elections and Not to accecpt Funding for Yeshivah’s from the Isralei Gov. then the secular Isralei’s will Not be able to yell “share the burden” the whole Chareidi Tzibur will just in one voice we don’t vote in your elections, we don’t take money from the Goverment, we will Not join the IDF and just leave us alone!!

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