Hikind: Anti-semitism Alive And ‘Unwell’ In Poland

NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) says anti-Semitism is alive and “unwell” in Poland. The Assemblyman pointed to Polish nationalists pressuring the country’s prime minister and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to intervene after Facebook removed numerous pages brimming with anti-Semitic content. Facebook had noted late last week in a statement on community standards that it “prohibits on its platform” the presence of organizations violating its regulations. The statement included reference to the National Radical Camp, or ONR; and the National Rebirth of Poland, or NOP. “We believe that these organizations openly promote racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic views,” Facebook stated.

Hikind noted that his vocal objections to Poland’s recent law, which made referring to Polish death camps punishable by imprisonment, brought a torrent of anti-Semitic phone calls to his office, as well as hate e-mail and attacks on social media.

“‘Go to Hell Jew Pig!’ That was one of the nicer messages we received,” Hikind said. “My proper objection to the new Polish law brought the anti-Semites in Poland out of the woodwork. Calls and email and Tweets from Poland have been endless.

“It’s not even fair to call this ‘news’ because nothing has changed in Poland,” Hikind continued. “Nothing, that is, except the thinly-veiled rewriting of history that the current Polish government tried to pull off with its Pass-the-Blame Law. The hateful, racist, anti-Semitic messages we’ve received make it very clear that those who murdered innocent Jews in Poland during the Holocaust have a new generation of admirers. If they could get jobs at concentration camps, they’d line up.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. Hikind should be more concerned about the 60% rise in anti-Semitic crime in the US from 2016 to 2017 or the much higher rate of anti-Semitic incidents in “enlightened” countries such as France or Germany. In Poland, the number of such acts is actually falling despite the marked spike in Jewish anti-Polonism. In contrast to western European countries, there is no need in Poland for barricades and armed guards outside synagogues or Jewish schools and institutions. Hikind is needlessly fomenting hatred. Shame on him, and shame on you for giving him a platform to spew this vitriol

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