Yerushalayim Weather Forecast –Rain and High Wind Gusts

If you are planning to visit Yerushalayim this week bring along a rain coat and warm clothing for Baruch Hashem, the forecast calls for rain, rain and more rain, with a chance of snow later in the week.

The temperatures on Sunday, 24 Teves 5773 are expected to reach 52F and there is a 10% chance of rain. The rain is expected to begin on Sunday towards evening, and Monday’s forecast calls for a high of 47F and a 90% chance of rain.

Tuesday’s forecast predict a high of 49F with an 80% chance of rain, Wednesday 40F with a 70% chance of rain and Thursday, 42F and a 60% chance of rain.

The rain will be accompanied by thundershowers at times and high winds gusts. Residents of the capital are instructed to remove items that may fly away from balconies and patios to avoid injuries and property damage.

Forecasters are speaking of the likelihood of snow on Wednesday night as temperatures will drop and wind gusts will increase. For the time being, it appears if there is any accumulation; it will be a dusting, nothing more.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. It is supposed to rain and be cold at this time of year. It is winter.
    If on the other hand, that was the forecase for someplace such as Australia, we’d need to worry.

  2. Yes, it is “supposed” to rain here in the winter — but from 2007 until last year Eretz Yisroel suffered from a terrible drought, and it didn’t do what it was “supposed” to do. Last year finally brought large amounts of rain, and B”H so far this year seems to be bringing lots of rain as well. But we certainly don’t take for granted that rain will come simply because it is winter. Even the preschoolers in Eretz Yisroel talk about “gishmai bracha”!

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