Clarification Regarding Rav Shteinman’s Shlita Position Regarding R’ Amnon Yitzchok’s Party

HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen, a member of the Shas Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael, on Thursday night, the eve of 22 Teves 5773 met in Bnei Brak with HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita. The rav wished to hear Rav Shteinman’s position vis-à-vis the Koach L’Hashpiah Party of Rav Amnon Yitzchak first hand in light of reports the Gadol Hador supports Rav Amnon’s race for Knesset.

A recording of the meeting was released to the media by aides to Rav Shteinman in an apparent move to remove any doubt as to the reality surrounding the situation.

R’ Cohen:

R’ Amnon has been advertising that he is supported by the Rav and this has led to confusion among many Bnei Torah.

R’ Shteinman:

We never spoke about this.

R’ Cohen:

Would it be possible to receive something in writing?

R’ Shteinman:

It is not necessary to write.

R’ Cohen:

Is the Rosh Yeshiva against him?

R’ Shteinman:

No this way or that. I have no connection to him.

R’ Cohen:

Can I publicize the fact the Rosh Yeshiva has no connection to him?

R’ Shteinman:

I wrote this.

A gabbai of the Rosh Yeshiva – It appeared in the newspaper. The Rosh Yeshiva supports only Gimmel.

After Rav Cohen departed, Rav Shteinman added “I only support Yahadut Hatorah, no other party.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. This has just about as much credibility as me selling you the Brooklyn Bridge, coming from a member of Shas. Its 2013, you would think there would be a recording to back this up.

  2. Reb Amnon Yitzchak is a tzaddik yesod olam who was mekarev thousands of people! To say he just “made” up a conversation with Rav Shteinman is preposterous! He has said so many times that he has spoken with Rav Shteinman…..I think its misleading for Yeshiva World to publicize this as fact without an actual recording and reliable documentation. “Clarification Regarding Rav Shteinman’s Shlita Position Regarding R’ Amnon Yitzchok’s Party” is stating a fact, and that is pure Rechilus without verifying for certain. Shame on you!

    Moderators Note: Actually, shame on you…click here for an unedited audio recording.

  3. Thank you for setting the record straight.

    Rabbi Yitzchak is indeed a great machzir betshuvah and has many zechusim in this regard.

    Regretably, his recent actions and statements – using the secular media for attacks against gedolei Yisrael- demand that we are mocheh. His futher attempts to misrepresent the positions of Maran Harav Steinman and Maran Rav Chaim Kanievsky are also acts of bizayon haTorah that deserve our outrage.

    He brings further mockery as he tells Satamar – who have announced that they will offer him no further financial support because of his participation in the Zionists elections – that he personally will not vote, so they should keep on giving him money.

    He has clearly gotten to his own head and thinks all og Klal Yisrael are fools waiting for him to sell them a bunch of baloney.

    He should be persona-non-grata until he publicly asks mechilah of all those he has denigrated, misrepresented, and tried to mislead.

    We don’t need someone in his current state to be a “salesman” for Yiddishkeit.

  4. Shas is leahshmid uleharog against Amnon Yitzhak, what bothers me is the following; why didnt shas allow a face to face meeting with rav yosef month ago as this meeting could have been recorded and once and for all there would have been no chilul hashem.?
    Ele mai? We must conclude that people surrounding harav yosef are also guilty of ” managing” the agenda of the frail 90 + year old harav yosef, it takes two to tangle and now we have a chilul hashem for which there is no slicha and no kappara so all around shame on rav amnon yitzhak but more shame on those who prevented a meeting between rav yosef and amnon yitzhak.
    I guess shass isnt as pure as they pretend to be.

  5. Rav Amnon Itzchak never spoke against any rabbonim peroid. If he did can Yeshiva World News report what he said of did?

    I am yet to see any newspaper report exactly what the Rav did wrong. They only report that he spoke against them. Please report what he said or did exactly that was against any other rabbonim.

  6. For one, after Chacham Ovadiah wrote that R’Yitzchak was “hikdiach tavshilo,” R’Yitzchak broadcast his own “halachic opinion” [from someone who spent a total of 7 years in yeshiva] that Chacham Ovadia [an acknowledged gaon and posek] severely violated a Isssur D’orasiisa:
    אם זה נכון, שהרב עובדיה כתב את זה זה חמור שבעתיים, כי זה עבירה דאורייתא לכתוב דבר כזה, כי התורה אומרת ב’חושן משפט’ שאין רשות לדיין לדון אדם אלא בבית דין, ורק אם ישמעו את שני הצדדים כאחת, אז חייבים להיות שני הצדדים ולהשמיע את הטענות”.

    “ואם לא” המשיך אמנון יצחק “זה עבירה דאורייתא, וקשה לי לאמר שפוסק הדור הספרדי יעשה טעות, אז המסקנא המתבקשת שזה זיוף, ולכן אמרתי שאם זה לא זיוף ומרמה אני מחכה במוצאי שבת לשמוע שהרב יחזור על הפסק הזה בפיו, ועדיין זה יקרא עובר עברה”

    All this coming from a fellow who has attacked by name, and been “yored l’toch chayei’hem”
    Of countless people – singers, machzirim betushavah who don’t agree with his apprach, and anyone who doesn’t support him.

    I also forgot to mention his misrepresentation of Maran Harav Shmuel Auerbach, who he also misquoted as supporting him.

    Enough is enough.

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