Central Election Committee Say “No” to Shas Bracha App

After the Hiddush organization challenged Shas’ use of the Maran Shlita app for android, along with promising voters brachos from Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita, Shas is pulling the app and the ads promising voters brachot.

Central Election Committee Chairman High Court Justice Elyakim Rubinstein was not pleased with the smartphone app or the adverts to deliver personal brachos from the Gadol Hador to voters, and it was clear to Shas officials that if they do not pull the app voluntarily, they would be instructed to remove it. Rubinstein wants website and other ads promising brachot from Rav Ovadia pulled in addition to the app.

Rubinstein was pleased with Shas’ “good will” gesture to remove the controversial campaign items voluntarily.

Hiddush’s Uri Regev praised the committee’s position, explaining the use of blessing and curses have no place in an election campaign.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. So this means that the government has recognized that R. Ovadia Yosef has such power that his bracha is the equivalent of a bribe or the offer of patronage — if it wasn’t for the fact the Israeli government consists of well known and notorious heretics, I’ld suggest this conclusion of there’s verges on being apikorses (i.e. he is a great Talmud Hacham, a great political leader, perhaps the Gadol ha-Dor — but he doesn’t have supernatural powers).

  2. Deepest gehinom awaits Uri regev. He is at the forefront of everything anti orthodox Jewish. This is one and the other is trying to remove the Rav of the Kosel

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