Israel Radio Poll: Likud Continues to Drop – Bayit HaYehudi Climbing

An Israel Radio poll released on Thursday 21 Teves 5773 shows the Likud/Beitenu list continues to lose support as the right-wing Bayit HaYehudi list continues to gain momentum, moving from third to second place as it closes in on the Labor Party.

The poll was conducted by the Cartography Institute on the evening of January 2, 2013 involving 500 respondents 18 or over, representing a cross-section of Israeli citizens. Prof Degani admits that the results from this poll are vastly different than all other polls, but he stands by the integrity of the poll and the results.

He adds that among the interesting points one may derive from the poll is the fact that the level of certainty among voters today stands between 30-50%, which means there is a significant likelihood of a dramatic change until elections since voters have yet to make up their minds.

Regarding the Bayit HaYehudi party, he points out that “young voters”, which are between the ages of 18-34 appear attracted to Naftali Bennett, who is pulling 21% of young non-frum voters; 23% of young traditional voters and 42% of young religious voters.

In alphabetical order

Am Shalem – 0

Arabs – 7

HaBayit HaYehudi – 18

Kadima – 0

Labor – 18

Likud/Beitenu – 35

Meretz – 7

Otzma Yisrael – 6

Shas – 8

The Movement – 6

Yesh Atid – 5

Yahadut Hatorah – 7

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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