Israel: Waiting for Your New Car, Good Luck

The Ministry of Transportation blames the Knesset Finance Committee while the latter rejects the criticism. It is the standard Israeli pass the blame but the real victim here is the consumer.

If you have purchased a new car and awaiting delivery, you can keep waiting. It appears the ministry realizes the finance committee failed to update the price of vehicles, an annual chore, and as a result, the new cars waiting to be united with their owners sit and wait, making car dealers and consumers an unhappy lot.

Officials in the Ministry of Transport explain if the price adjustments are not made, it would negatively impact the value of older vehicles on the road and it would simply create havoc in the car industry.

Car dealers are calling on the responsible party to ‘get your act in gear’ as they are caught between a rock and a hard place. Car buyers are becoming increasingly irate, promised their new vehicles by a certain date, and when they inquire, they learn the car is here, in Israel, but they cannot have it.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Reminds me of when you would “order” a phone line from Bezek and 4 weeks later they would come to install it.

  2. Please realize that it is loshon hara and degrading and simply unecessary to use phrases like “It is the standard Israeli pass the blame” There is nothing standard about the wonderful people living in this wonderful country that Hashem has blessed us with. Yeah, there are problems but comments like these serve to make the problem worse!! Many yidden are scared to move here because of nasty remarks like this. I’ll just remind you, our “old country” is no better. There is a LOT of red tape, anti-religious sentiments, poor customer service, etc, etc, etc in the “old country” — perhaps you’ve forgotten that while wearing your rose colored glasses.

    Your article would have been fine without that phrase.

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