Contact Between Tov, Shas & Chassidim

There is ongoing contact between officials in the Tov Party and Shas, Kikar Shabbat reports. The report states that a recent poll reveals that 38% of the chareidi tzibur identifies with the principles of Tov, also known as the “new chareidim”.

Kikar quotes Tov officials confirming ongoing meetings, but protecting the identity of Shas officials involved for obvious reasons. They are quoted as adding “At least in Shas they do not belittle us, and there is a genuine interest in working together for the greater good.”

The report adds there has been ongoing dialogue with “senior officials in a number of chassidic courts, for they are disappointed with Yahadut Hatorah and see a possibility of working with Tov.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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