Female Teen Accuses Chareidim of Attacking Her Over Her Attire

A 17-year-old female reports that while walking down a Ganei Tikvah street, she was attacked by chareidim in an unprovoked incident. She is quoted as telling Ynet that the attack occurred during the afternoon hours last Tuesday, 19 Teves 5773. She explains that she was walking with her headphones on when she passed the bus stop where yeshiva boys stood.

She explains she heard shouting and then removed her headphones and quickly realized the shouts came from them, directed at her. That shouts were followed by rocks aimed at her as the verbal insults continued. She fled the area and filed a complaint with police explaining the verbal insults included against to’eva, questioning why they were directing this at her. Ynet reports she was injured by rocks that struck her in the face. It appears she was targeted because of her attire.

Police confirm the report, that a complaint was filed, and that the investigation continues.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. 1. YNET is not a good source for news on orthodox Jews.

    2. What was she wearing? What was she doing?

    3. What were the alleged assailants doing at the time?

    4. What did the witnesses say? A good journalist would seek out all sides of a news story. A propagandist doesn’t bother.

  2. A newly developed area on the eastern side of Petah Tikva, attractive to haredim because it’s close to Bnei Brak. I hope the story is false.

  3. Nah can’t be true….. we are only supposed to believe such stories when they occur in Meah Shearim or Beis Shemesh….every other neighborhood only has quiet law abiding citizens….

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