The 10x Rule and How it can Be Used for Success

The following article is part of a new series presented by Jewish Content Network which will discuss business ideas, marketing advice, and feature new business technologies, in an effort to help small business and organizations thrive and succeed. 

The 10X rule is an amazing concept brought to light by popular business and real estate guru, Grant Cardone.

The 10X rules states the following:

Things take more effort than you think they do


the biggest mistake most people make in life is not setting goals high enough.

A major problem that most start ups or business people face is that they under estimate the amount of energy needed to accomplish success, which leads to frustration when they don’t achieve their desired results

The 10X Rule says that:

1) you should set targets for yourself that are 10X greater than what you believe you can achieve and
2) you should take actions that are 10X greater than what you believe are necessary to achieve your goals. The biggest mistake most people make in life is not setting goals high enough.

With that rule being laid out, I would like to mention a few real life applications.

Your Career:

Many people get frustrated when they don’t see they are growing fast enough in their career or skill. This frustration starts at the belief that they have worked hard and still see no greater results. Applying the 10X rule though will allow for major change of perspective because you need to reassesses the amount of energy expended thus far and set targets for yourself that are 10X greater than what you anticipated.

Marketing your Business:

Running a small business is no small feat and unfortunately the odds are stacked against any new venture.  According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics: about 20% fail in their first year, and about 50% of small businesses fail in their fifth year.

When it comes to marketing, many companies fail because they did not realize what is involved in a successful marketing campaign. It’s not enough to just spend money and wait for the results, marketing is something that requires the 10X mindset. Feel free to contact the Jewish Content Network to get a free consultation and ideas for your next marketing campaign.

Interpersonal Relationships:

Famed actor John Fiore famously said about learning from his own marriage that in the end ‘A good husband makes a good wife’

Often is the case that people miscalculate the amount of energy that is needed to forge positive and successful interpersonal relationships. Apply the 10X rule next time you want to do something nice for a spouse or friend.

Learning Torah:

Last but not least, Learning torah is not easy and many get frustrated when they don’t see instant results. They become discouraged and say ‘it’s not for me’ In essence, that belief may stem from a under estimation of the energy required to achieve success. Next time you sit down to learn, realize that torah learning requires 10X effort more than has already been applied and let us know if you see any positive results in the comments below:

Do you have any marketing questions? Fill out the form below and let’s discuss how we can help

Chaim Chernoff is the Chief Marketing Officer at the Jewish Content Network. Always on the lookout for latest digital marketing trends, Chaim aims to help businesses expand their presence and grow their business in the digital world. 

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