MDA Assists Patient to Realize a Dream – To Get to the Kosel One Last Time

Magen David Adom officials heard of the patient’s request, to make a last visit to the Kosel and MDA responded, permitting him to actualize this wish.

MDA Gush Dan EMT Yoni Uziyahu was given the assignment, to pick up David Snir, a terminally ill patient, to permit him to make the trip in a MDA ambulance to be mispallel at the Kosel. Snir R”L is in tremendous pain as a result of the condition, but insisted peeking out of a window of the ambulance during the trip to the Kosel.

One should realize that actualizing such a request is not a simple task, requiring a special team on the ambulance along with coordinating with Kosel security officials in advance. It is also quite a time consuming effort, a true chessed.

Snir told his MDA escorts “I am a believer and I even make it to shul, however, due to my illness, I may not have another opportunity.”

MDA Gush Dan Chief Yossi Cohen heard of the special request and began working to permit Snir to realize this wish, making the necessary arrangements. He contacted his superiors and they contacted the necessary agencies and the dream was being turned into a plan.

Snir was escorted by paramedics and security personnel in the ambulance stretcher to the Kosel and he was visibly moved when putting on tefilin and approaching the Wall. The tears began streaming down his face as he turned to the team and thanked them for making this possible, telling them “thanks for permitting a Yid a last chance to go to the Kosel to be mispallel.”

EMT Yoni added “I have been working with MDA for 12 years and have treated thousands of patients. I have seen many things, but never something this emotional. When a believer like Snir wants to go to the Kosel and I am a part of the team making this mitzvah possible. I found myself standing at his side as we cried together.”

MDA Chief Eli Bin concluded “Our work in Magen David Adom demands extraordinary sensitivity and I am pleased that we played a hand to give this patient a chance to daven at the Kosel. The ambulance team members were moved by the event, and they said it was a big zechus for them to be part of this effort in the framework of their work in MDA.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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