Obama Urges Action On Sandy Aid

President Barack Obama is calling for House Republicans to vote Wednesday on Hurricane Sandy aid “without delay for our fellow Americans.” It comes as New York lawmakers are lashing out at a decision by House GOP leaders not to hold a vote in the current Congress.

Obama says in a written statement that many people in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut are trying to recover from the storm and need “immediate support with the bulk of winter still in front of us.”

The Senate approved a $60.4 billion measure Friday to help with recovery from the storm. The House Appropriations Committee has drafted a smaller, $27 billion measure, and a vote had been expected before Congress’ term ends Thursday at noon.

House Speaker John Boehner pulled the bill on Tuesday.


5 Responses

  1. The problem in America is that everyone is for frugality in government, unless it’s their benefits that someone is being frugal with.

  2. What do …
    GOP Rep. Peter King,
    GOP Rep. Michael Grimm,
    GOP Gov. Chris Christie and
    Dem Pres. Barack Obama have in common?

    Anger with the House Speaker about Sandy.

    This was the worst Congress in history.

  3. Sure Mr Dictator, just explain where the money is coming from and EXACTLY where & to whom it was being given to, as well as why there is money in the bill going to Alaskan fisheries and then MAYBE we begin talking about this new transfer of wealth.

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