PM Netanyahu: Hamas Can Take Over PA Areas in Yehuda & Shomron; Quotes Posuk In Chumash

Speaking to colleagues in a Tanach class held in the official Prime Minister’s Residence in memory of his father-in-law, Shmuel Ben-Artzi, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned of a Hamas takeover of PA (Palestinian Authority) autonomous areas.

Quoting the parsha, the prime minister stated ויקום מלך חדש על מצרים (A new king came to power in Egypt), “as it was then it can occur today”. He expounded that today, we saw this take place in Egypt and now in Syria, and it can take place in PA areas as well. “It can occur before or after an agreement, as we saw in Gaza.”

Mr. Netanyahu continued “Regarding voices heard in recent days, to run forward, to give in, to retreat, I believe that in a diplomatic process one must act responsibly, with sobriety and not hastily, for a third Iranian terror base will not be established here in the heart of Israel. Peace is attained by guaranteeing security.”

The prime minister was hinting at statements made earlier in the week by President Shimon Peres in which the president spoke of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) as Israel’s true “peace partner”, urging Israel to move ahead in a renewed diplomatic process.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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