Should Israel Move Ahead with Construction in the E1 Area?

As the general election approaches, the parties were asked to state their opinion regarding government plans to move ahead with construction in the E1 area towards clarifying their position on this critical issue of Israel’s plans to create contiguity between the capital and Maale Adumim.

Israel announced it plans to move ahead with the E1 project in response to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) going to the United Nations in his unilateral move, which earned the PA non-member nation observer status in the General Assembly. Israel warned Abu Mazen that such a move would be viewed as rendering the Oslo process “null and void” and would result in a “harsh Israeli response”.

The announced plan—to resume construction has resulted in the international community condemning Israel. The EU warns that if Israel actually begins construction, economic sanctions may follow.


The Government of Israel already decided to build in the E1 area. Continued construction in Maale Adumim is a project of national interest from a settlement and security perspective.


Shas supports construction in settlement bloc areas. Housing Minister Ariel Atias has marketed thousands of housing units throughout Yehuda, Shomron and the eastern capital.

Yahadut Hatorah

The party released a statement yesterday that it supports building in all areas of Yerushalayim but not to intentionally arouse the ire of the international community.


At present, we should not build in E1. A unilateral move at this time would result in the diplomatic process remaining frozen in addition to further isolating Israel in the international community.

The Movement (Tzipi Livni)

Building in E1 must be part of a diplomatic process with the Palestinians with US support, and not a unilateral move of defiance.


The party opposes E1 construction. The government wishes to build there to render the two-state solution an impossibility.

HaBayit HaYehudi

E1 is Yerushalayim and the area in question is by Mount Scopus, just 300 meters from the Begin Highway. Additional building in Jerusalem must be understood as a given.

Yesh Atid (Yair Lapid)

The party backs the two-state solution while maintaining settlement blocs and a united Jerusalem. Therefore, the party supports construction in E1.

Arab Parties

Hadash: Construction threatens peace-making efforts

Ra’am – Ta’al: It is a catastrophic decision.

Balad: A nation that snubs international law conducts itself in a criminal fashion.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. “it supports building in all areas of Yerushalayim but not to intentionally arouse the ire of the international community”

    WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? is it intentionally arousing ire? or is it unintentionally arousing ire? or will IRE rise as long as Israel exists? Please someone help explain.

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